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Created February 20, 2019 13:42
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examples for pyqgis common functions
Examples for some pyqgis common functions.
Some may be outdated as things can be done easier in qgis3 now but they should just be an example
for some functions that were use to make life easier during the development of QGIS plugins:
examples from
def load_layer(filename, name = None):
Tries to load a layer from the given file
:param filename: the path to the file to load.
:param name: the name to use for adding the layer to the current project.
If not passed or None, it will use the filename basename
name = name or os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0]
qgslayer = QgsVectorLayer(filename, name, 'ogr')
if not qgslayer.isValid():
qgslayer = QgsRasterLayer(filename, name)
if not qgslayer.isValid():
raise RuntimeError('Could not load layer: ' + unicode(filename))
return qgslayer
def newVectorLayer(filename, fields, geometryType, crs, encoding="utf-8"):
Creates a new vector layer
:param filename: The filename to store the file. The extensions determines the type of file.
If extension is not among the supported ones, a shapefile will be created and the file will
get an added '.shp' to its path.
If the filename is None, a memory layer will be created
:param fields: the fields to add to the layer. Accepts a QgsFields object or a list of tuples (field_name, field_type)
Accepted field types are basic Python types str, float, int and bool
:param geometryType: The type of geometry of the layer to create.
:param crs: The crs of the layer to create. Accepts a QgsCoordinateSystem object or a string with the CRS authId.
:param encoding: The layer encoding
if isinstance(crs, basestring):
crs = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem(crs)
if filename is None:
uri = GEOM_TYPE_MAP[geometryType]
if crs.isValid():
uri += '?crs=' + crs.authid() + '&'
fieldsdesc = ['field=' + f for f in fields]
fieldsstring = '&'.join(fieldsdesc)
uri += fieldsstring
layer = QgsVectorLayer(uri, "mem_layer", 'memory')
formats = QgsVectorFileWriter.supportedFiltersAndFormats()
OGRCodes = {}
for (key, value) in formats.items():
extension = unicode(key)
extension = extension[extension.find('*.') + 2:]
extension = extension[:extension.find(' ')]
OGRCodes[extension] = value
extension = os.path.splitext(filename)[1][1:]
if extension not in OGRCodes:
extension = 'shp'
filename = filename + '.shp'
if isinstance(fields, QgsFields):
qgsfields = fields
qgsfields = QgsFields()
for field in fields:
QgsVectorFileWriter(filename, encoding, qgsfields,
geometryType, crs, OGRCodes[extension])
layer = QgsVectorLayer(filename, os.path.basename(filename), 'ogr')
return layer
def layerFromName(name):
Returns the layer from the current project with the passed name
Raises WrongLayerNameException if no layer with that name is found
If several layers with that name exist, only the first one is returned
layers =_layerreg.mapLayers().values()
for layer in layers:
if == name:
return layer
raise WrongLayerNameException()
def layerFromSource(source):
Returns the layer from the current project with the passed source
Raises WrongLayerSourceException if no layer with that source is found
layers =_layerreg.mapLayers().values()
for layer in layers:
if layer.source() == source:
return layer
raise WrongLayerSourceException()
def loadLayer(filename, name = None, provider=None):
Tries to load a layer from the given file
:param filename: the path to the file to load.
:param name: the name to use for adding the layer to the current project.
If not passed or None, it will use the filename basename
name = name or os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0]
if provider != 'gdal': # QGIS3 crashes if opening a raster as vector ... this needs further investigations
qgslayer = QgsVectorLayer(filename, name, provider or "ogr")
if provider == 'gdal' or not qgslayer.isValid():
qgslayer = QgsRasterLayer(filename, name, provider or "gdal")
if not qgslayer.isValid():
raise RuntimeError('Could not load layer: ' + unicode(filename))
return qgslayer
def loadLayerNoCrsDialog(filename, name=None, provider=None):
Tries to load a layer from the given file
Same as the loadLayer method, but it does not ask for CRS, regardless of current
configuration in QGIS settings
settings = QSettings()
prjSetting = settings.value('/Projections/defaultBehaviour')
settings.setValue('/Projections/defaultBehaviour', '')
# QGIS3:
prjSetting3 = settings.value('/Projections/defaultBehavior')
settings.setValue('/Projections/defaultBehavior', '')
layer = loadLayer(filename, name, provider)
settings.setValue('/Projections/defaultBehaviour', prjSetting)
settings.setValue('/Projections/defaultBehavior', prjSetting3)
return layer
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