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Last active October 18, 2019 12:29
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Introduce find_in_batches_with_order for having find in batches with order
# Create file config/initializers/find_in_batches_with_order.rb with follwing code.
ActiveRecord::Batches.class_eval do
## Only flat order structure is supported now
## example: [:forename, :surname] is supported but [:forename, {surname: :asc}] is not supported
def find_in_batches_with_order(ids: nil, order: [], batch_size: 1000)
relation = self
arrangement = order.dup
index = order.find_index(:id)
unless index
index = arrangement.length - 1
ids ||= relation.order(*arrangement).pluck(*arrangement).map{ |tupple| tupple[index] }
ids.each_slice(batch_size) do |chunk_ids|
chunk_relation = relation.where(id: chunk_ids).order(*order)
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