This is the Gist for Day 2 of the Intermediate Python for Finance Training in London, 29. November 2017
This module is about data analysis and visualization with pandas for finance.
pandas has become the central data analysis tool in the Python ecosystem. It is powerful, among others, in handling financial time series data, in visualizing such data and implementing algorithms on such data sets.
The goal of this module is to be aware of the capabilities of pandas and to be able to apply pandas to typical financial analytics tasks.
The final module addresses object-oriented programming (OOP) in Python based on finance examples.
OOP is a powerful programming paradigm with many benefits over simple procedural implementations. Among others, it allows a simplified modeling of real-world and financial object, to avoid redundancies, to simplify code maintenance and re-usability.
The goal of this module is to be aware of basic OOP features in Python and to implement financial algorithms in a re-usable fashion.
Below you find the all the notebooks and code files as worked on during this day.
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