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Created May 26, 2012 00:55
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Save theagreeablecow/2791536 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Disable a user is AD, Exchange and Lync
# This script manages the process for a departing user, using data retrived from a CSV file
# Requires the Active Directory module for Windows Powershell and appropriate credentials
# CSV file with corresponding header and user(s) info:
# UserName,DisableWindows,ArchiveFiles,DisableVoice,ArchiveMailbox,MailboxAccessTo,DisableEmailAddress,AutoReplyContact,ReminderInDays
$exchangeserver = ""
$Lyncserver = ""
$DC = ""
$usercredential= get-credential -credential MyDomain\admin
write-host -foregroundcolor Green "Loading modules for AD, Exchange and Lync..."
$exchangeSession = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri http://$exchangeserver/PowerShell/ -Authentication Kerberos -Credential $UserCredential
Import-PsSession $exchangesession
$lyncsession = new-pssession -connectionuri https://$Lyncserver/ocspowershell -credential $usercredential
Import-PSSession $lyncsession
import-module ActiveDirectory
$InputPath = "\\\Scripts\Data\"
$InputFile = $InputPath + "DepartingUserInfo.csv"
Invoke-Item $inputFile
write-host -foregroundcolor Green "Update user details and save CSV file. Press any key to continue"
$x = $host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown")
$inputFile = Import-CSV $inputFile
$MailArchiveDB = "ArchiveDB1"
$ArchiveOU = "OU=zzz_ARCHIVE,DC=MyDomain,DC=com,DC=au"
$HelpdeskEmail = "[email protected]"
$ExtraEmail = "[email protected]"
$AdminEmail = "[email protected]"
$ScriptUser = $env:username
foreach($line in $inputFile)
#Retrieve details from CSV file
$Username = $line.UserName # sAMAccountName
$DisableWindows = $line.DisableWindows # yes or no
$ArchiveFiles = $line.ArchiveFiles # yes or no
$DisableVoice = $line.DisableVoice # yes or no
$ArchiveMailbox = $line.ArchiveMailbox # yes or no
$EmailManager = $line.MailboxAccessTo # sAMAccountName
$DisableEmail = $line.DisableEmailAddress # yes or no
$EmailReply = $line.AutoReplyContact # sAMAccountName
$Reminder = $line.ReminderInDays # eg 30
$LogFile = $InputPath+"DisableLog_" +$username +".txt"
if ($DisableEmail -eq "no" -And $EmailReply -eq "") {$EmailReply = read-host -prompt "Email is not being disabled. You must enter a valid username for AutoReply contact details"}
if ($DisableEmail -eq "no" -And $Reminder -eq "") {$Reminder = read-host -prompt "Email is not being disabled. You must enter number of days for a reminder"}
#Get User Details
$UserDetails = Get-ADUser $username -Server $DC -properties Office,DisplayName,Mail,distinguishedName | select-object Office,DisplayName,Mail,distinguishedName
$UserOffice = $UserDetails.Office
$UserDisplayName = $UserDetails.DisplayName
$UserEmail = $UserDetails.Mail
$UserDN = $UserDetails.distinguishedName
#Get Details of Person Managing Emails
$ManagerDetails = Get-ADUser $EmailManager -Server $DC -properties DisplayName,Mail | select-object DisplayName,Mail
$ManagerName = $ManagerDetails.DisplayName
$ManagerEmail = $ManagerDetails.Mail
#Get Details for Auto-Reply Message
$EmailReplyDetails = Get-ADUser $EmailReply -Server $DC -properties DisplayName,OfficePhone,Mail | select-object DisplayName,OfficePhone,Mail
$EmailReplyName = $EmailReplyDetails.DisplayName
$EmailReplyPhone = $EmailReplyDetails.OfficePhone
$EmailReplyEmail = $EmailReplyDetails.Mail
#Get Script User's Details
$ScriptUserDetails = Get-ADUser $ScriptUser -Server $DC -properties mail | select-object mail
$ScriptUserEmail = $ScriptUserDetails.mail
#Retrieve Site Specific Variables
if ($UserOffice -eq "City1")
$ProfilePath = "\\server1\profiles\" +$username
$ProfileArchive = "\\archive1\Users\Profiles\"
$HomePath = "\\server1\home$\" +$username
$HomeArchive = "\\archive1\Users\Home\"
$Reception = "(+61) 3 1234 1234"
elseif ($UserOffice -eq "City2")
$ProfilePath = "\\server2\profiles\" +$username
$ProfileArchive = "\\archive2\Users\Profiles\"
$HomePath = "\\server2\home$\" +$username
$HomeArchive = "\\archive2\Users\Home\"
$Reception = "(+61) 3 1234 1234"
elseif ($UserOffice -eq "City3")
$ProfilePath = "\\server3\profiles\" +$username
$ProfileArchive = "\\archive3\Users\Profiles\"
$HomePath = "\\server3\home$\" +$username
$HomeArchive = "\\archive3\Users\Home\"
$Reception = "(+61) 3 1234 1234"
elseif ($UserOffice -eq "City4")
$ProfilePath = "\\server4\profiles\" +$username
$ProfileArchive = "\\archive4\Users\Profiles\"
$HomePath = "\\server4\home$\" +$username
$HomeArchive = "\\archive4\Users\Home\"
$Reception = "(+61) 3 1234 1234"
write-host -foregroundcolor Red "Error: Office '" $UserOffice "' not recognised."
#Enable Logging
Start-Transcript -path $LogFile -append
$now = (Get-Date)
write-host -foregroundcolor Green "Starting disable procedure for" $UserDisplayName $now
#Archive Files
# Ensure you have full access permission to all directories
$ArchiveFiles = $ArchiveFiles.ToLower()
if ($ArchiveFiles -eq "yes")
write-host -foregroundcolor Green "Archiving Profile and Home Directories"
#Archive Profile Directory
$win7Profile = $ProfilePath +".V2"
IF (TEST-PATH $win7Profile)
Copy-Item -Recurse $win7Profile $ProfileArchive -force
Remove-Item -Recurse $win7Profile
IF (TEST-PATH $ProfilePath)
Copy-Item -Recurse $ProfilePath $ProfileArchive -force
Remove-Item -Recurse $ProfilePath
#Archive Home Directory
IF (TEST-PATH $HomePath)
Copy-Item -Recurse $HomePath $HomeArchive -force
Remove-Item -Recurse $HomePath
#Disable Enterprise Voice
$DisableVoice = $DisableVoice.ToLower()
if ($DisableVoice -eq "yes")
#Remove Unified Messaging from Exchange
write-host -foregroundcolor Green "Removing unified messaging from Exchange"
Get-Mailbox $username -DomainController $DC | Disable-UMMailbox -DomainController $DC -confirm:$false
#Remove User from Lync
write-host -foregroundcolor Green "Removing user from Lync"
Disable-CsUser $username -DomainController $DC
# Update Mailbox Permissions
if (!($EmailManager -eq $NULL))
write-host -foregroundcolor Green "Granting mailbox permissions to" $ManagerName
Add-MailboxPermission -Identity $username -User $EmailManager -AccessRights 'FullAccess'
#Send message to Email Manager advising changes.
$MailSubject = "[AUTO] Mailbox Access Granted for " +$UserDisplayName
$MailBody = "FYI: " +$UserDisplayName +"'s account has now been disabled. You have been granted full access to manage their mailbox. `r
Please contact Helpdesk ("+$HelpdeskEmail+") if you need any assistance with access or to make any changes.`r
Admin Scripts"
Send-MailMessage -To $ManagerEmail -From $HelpdeskEmail -Subject $MailSubject -SmtpServer $exchangeserver -body $MailBody
#Optional: Send message to SOMEONE asking them to do SOMETHING
$MailSubject = "[AUTO] Please do something regarding " +$UserDisplayName
$MailBody = $UserDisplayName +" has left the company. Please do something. Any queestions please ask " +$ManagerName
Send-MailMessage -To $DBAEmail -From $HelpdeskEmail -Subject $MailSubject -SmtpServer $exchangeserver -body $MailBody
#Update Auto Reply and set a Reminder or just Disable Email address now
$DisableEmail = $DisableEmail.ToLower()
if ($DisableEmail -eq "no")
#Add Auto Reply to mailbox (with contact details)
write-host -foregroundcolor Green "Creating an AutoReply message with contact details for" $EmailReplyName
if ($EmailReplyEmail -eq "") {$EmailReplyEmail = read-host -prompt "Please add an EMAIL ADDRESS for " +EmailReplyName}
#if ($EmailReplyPhone -eq "") {$EmailReplyPhone = read-host -prompt "Please add a PHONE NUMBER for " +EmailReplyName}
$Message = $UserDisplayName + " is no longer employed with MyCompany. Please refer all queries to " + $EmailReplyName + " at " + $EmailReplyEmail + " or by phone on " + $Reception +"."
Set-MailboxAutoReplyConfiguration -AutoReplyState Enabled -Identity $Username -InternalMessage $Message -ExternalMessage $Message
#Send message to AutoReply contact advsing changes
$MailSubject = "[AUTO] AutoReply updated for " +$UserDisplayName
$MailBody = "FYI: "+$UserDisplayName+"'s account has now been disabled. You have been nominated as a contact in their 'Out of Office' message, which reads as follows: `r
"+$Message+" `r
Please contact Helpdesk ("+$HelpdeskEmail+") if you need to make any changes.`r
Admin Scripts"
Send-MailMessage -To $EmailReplyEmail -From $HelpdeskEmail -Subject $MailSubject -SmtpServer $exchangeserver -body $MailBody
#Add Calendar Reminder (current user), to disable email in future
write-host -foregroundcolor Green "Adding celendar reminder to disable email in" $Reminder "days"
$outlook = New-Object -ComObject Outlook.Application
$entry = $Outlook.Application.CreateItem(1)
$Start = (Get-Date).AddDays($Reminder)
$End = $start.AddMinutes(15)
$Subject = "Disable email address for " +$UserDisplayName
$Location = $UserOffice
$Body = $UserDisplayName +" left the company " +$Reminder +" days ago. It is now time to disable the email address. Using Exchange, change the primary SMTP address to " +$UserEmail +".DISABLED and remove any additional addresses"
$entry.Start = $Start
$entry.End = $End
$entry.Subject = $Subject
$entry.Location = $Location
$entry.Body = $Body
#Rename Email address in Exchange ([email protected])
write-host -foregroundcolor Green "Disabling email address"
Set-Mailbox -identity $username -EmailAddressPolicyEnabled $false
$DisabledEmail = "SMTP:" +$UserEmail +".DISABLED"
Set-Mailbox -identity $username -EmailAddresses $DisabledEmail
#Archive Mailbox
$ArchiveMailbox = $ArchiveMailbox.ToLower()
if ($ArchiveMailbox -eq "yes")
#Remove from Address Book
write-host -foregroundcolor Green "Removing user from Global Address Book"
Set-Mailbox -identity $username -HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled $true
#Move Mailbox to Archive Data Base
write-host -foregroundcolor Green "Moving mailbox to archive database"
New-MoveRequest -identity $username -TargetDatabase $MailArchiveDB
#Disable AD Accounts
$DisableWindows = $DisableWindows.ToLower()
if ($DisableWindows -eq "yes")
write-host -foregroundcolor Green "Disabling user account and removing details from Active Directory"
#Remove from Intranet
# Sharepoint = auto??
#Move user object to Archive OU
Move-ADObject -Identity $UserDN -TargetPath $ArchiveOU
#Remove AD Deatails
Set-ADUser $username -Server $DC -Clear Manager
Set-ADUser $username -Server $DC -Clear TelephoneNumber
Set-ADUser $username -Server $DC -Clear IpPhone
Set-ADUser $username -Server $DC -Clear ProfilePath
Set-ADUser $username -Server $DC -Replace @{description="**ACCOUNT DISABLED**"}
#Remove from Groups
$ds = new-object directoryServices.directorySearcher
$ds.filter = "(&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user)(samAccountName="+$username+"))"
$dn = $ds.findOne()
$user = [ADSI]$dn.path
foreach ($group in $user.memberof)
Remove-ADGroupMember -Identity $group -Members $username -Confirm:$false
$RPTGroups = $RPTGroups +" " + $group
write-host $UserDisplayName "has been removed from the following groups:" $RPTGroups
write-host "`r"
#Reset User Password
$prompt = "Please enter new password for " +$UserDisplayName
$accountpassword = read-host -assecurestring -prompt $prompt
Set-ADAccountPassword $username -Server $DC -Reset -NewPassword $accountpassword
#Disable AD Account
Disable-ADAccount $username -Server $DC
#Send Reports
#Helpdesk/Admin - summarise change in email, plus include
write-host -foregroundcolor Green "Disable procedure completed. Sending you a wrap up email with log file."
#Email IT report
$MailSubject = "[AUTO] Account disabled for " +$UserDisplayName
$MailBody = "The user account has been disabled for " +$UserDisplayName+", on "+(get-date)+". See attached log for details. `r
Please ensure to complete the following items: `r
- Manual Step 1 `r
- Manual Step 2 `r
- Manual Step 3 `r
Admin Scripts"
Send-MailMessage -To $ScriptUserEmail -cc $AdminEmail -From "[email protected]" -Subject $MailSubject -SmtpServer $exchangeserver -body $MailBody -attachment $LogFile
#Pause for review, then load next line
write-host "`r"
write-host -foregroundcolor Green "User disabled. Press any key to continue"
$x = $host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown")
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