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Created June 6, 2012 11:31
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Save theagreeablecow/2881377 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Multiple Robocopy Streams
Option Explicit
On Error Resume Next
Dim Source1, Source2, Source3, Destination1, Destination2, Destination3, BatchFile1, BatchFile2, BatchFile3
'Root Source folders to parse
Source1 = "\\server1\c$\folder1"
Source2 = "\\server1\share1"
Source3 = "\\server1\share2"
'Root Destination folders
Destination1 = "\\server2\c$\folder1"
Destination2 = "\\server2\share1"
Destination3 = "\\server2\share2"
'Batch file names
BatchFile1 = "Sync_Folder1.bat"
BatchFile2 = "Sync_Share1.bat"
BatchFile3 = "Sync_Share2.bat"
'1. Create the Batch files
CreateScript Source1,Destination1,BatchFile1
CreateScript Source2,Destination2,BatchFile2
CreateScript Source3,Destination3,BatchFile3
function CreateScript (Source,Destination,BatchFile)
Dim objFSO, txtOutput, objRootFolder, colFolders, objFolder
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set txtOutput = objFSO.CreateTextFile(BatchFile)
Set objRootFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(Source)
Set colFolders = objRootFolder.SubFolders
'Write robocopy cmd string for each subfolder
For Each objFolder in colFolders
txtOutput.Write "start robocopy *.* " & Source & "\" & objFolder.Name & " " & Destination & "\" & objFolder.Name & " /w:1 /r:1 /MIR" & vbCrLf
'Close objects
Set objFSO = Nothing
Set objRootFolder = Nothing
Set colFolders = Nothing
end function
'2. Optionaly run the batch files
Dim Shell
set shell=createobject("")
' BatchFile1
'wscript.sleep 50000
' BatchFile2
'wscript.sleep 50000
' BatchFile3
set shell=nothing
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