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Last active December 28, 2021 05:29
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  • Save thebagchi/df29ae862fc1c296dec2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save thebagchi/df29ae862fc1c296dec2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
script for issuing commands to multiple android devices on windows
:: Inspired by Linux version of the same
@echo off
if "%ARGUMENTS%" == "" (
FOR /F "tokens=1,2 skip=1" %%A IN ('adb devices') DO (
if "!IS_DEV!" == "device" (
echo "adb -s !SERIAL! %ARGUMENTS%"
call adb -s !SERIAL! %ARGUMENTS%
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Thanks for this Great script

I am trying to create a .bat file to run a few commands
Problem I have is after it runs the first command it closes the window

main\adb+ install app-debug.apk
main\adb+ uninstall com.alphabetlabs.deviceinfo

Any help would be greatfull

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Thanks for the script!

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I am looking forward to working with this script thank you.

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My Requirement:

  1. Need to install/uninstall apk in multiple devices
  2. Devices list will be vary to every time.
  3. How to install the apk in multiple devices in all the time without giving any device id manually
  4. Need automation script for this.

Please confirm below script is good one to install apk in multiple devices on windows machine!!
Also, please share the steps in detailed manner to run this.

echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for /f "tokens=" %%f in ('C:\android\sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe devices') do (
for /r %%p in (
.apk) do (
set devicestr=%%f
set apk=%%p
if "!devicestr!"=="!devicestr:List=!" (
for /f "tokens=1" %%d in ("!devicestr!") do (
set deviceid=%%d
echo !deviceid!
echo !apk!
C:\android\sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe -s !deviceid! install !apk!

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Also need instructions for how to save this BAT file?

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bhargis commented Dec 10, 2020

I realize this is a bit old, but I am seeing issues here. Maybe I am missing something.

'adb devices' is returning a list of devices, but when I call this batch file nothing is seen. I am even trying to echo out IS_DEV and nothing is there. Digging in deeper 'adb devices > dev.txt' and dev.txt is empty.

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Please check

  • device is connected
  • developer option enabled
  • usb debugging on
  • windows driver is installed.

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stevekenei commented Aug 20, 2021

I would like to disable a number of apps on multiple phones, right now I can disable multiple apps on a single phone running a batch script as in the screen shot attached. How can I use this code to run this on multiple apps? ie, can I run this with another .bat? Many thanks!

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