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Created September 12, 2020 17:17
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How to run autostart scripts on Gnome

Auto start

All these files can be found in my dotfile repo

# First we must create the script we want to execute
# scripts should be stored in your $HOME/.local/bin

# The code below is called 'essentials' in my repo


# Execute essential script commands for startup

# speed up the x server
xset r rate 300 50 &

# make CapsLock behave like Ctrl:
setxkbmap -option ctrl:nocaps

# make short-pressed Ctrl behave like Escape:
# Default timeout is 500ms
xcape -t 300 -e 'Control_L=Escape'

Now make a .desktop file in $HOME/.config/autostart

# name: startup-scripts.desktop
# Remember to change your path to match your system
# .desktop files are just .ini files, you cannot use env variables
# everything in config files is unfortunetely "hardcoded"

[Desktop Entry]
Comment="important start up script"
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Super useful! Thanks Matt!

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