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Last active May 17, 2023 13:37
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Cloud Comparison
Camada AWS Azure GCP
Serviço de computação EC2 Virtual Machines Compute Engine
Container ECS Azure Container Services Google App Engine
Service Mesh Istio on Amazon EKS Istio in Azure Kubernetes Service Istio on Google Kubernetes Engine
Disks Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) Azure Managed Disks Persistent Disk
VMware VMware Cloud on AWS Azure VMware Solution VMware Engine
Logs Amazon CloudWatch Logs Azure Monitor Logs Cloud Logging
Logs de auditoria Amazon Cloud Trail Azure Audit Logs Cloud Audit Logs
Monitoração de redes Cloudwatch Azure Network Watcher Network Intelligence Center
Performance tracing X-Ray Azure Monitor Application Insights Cloud Trace
Armazenamento de objetos s3 Azure Blob Storage Cloud Storage
File Storage Amazon Elastic File System Azure Disk Storage e Azure Files Filestore
Armazenamento de objetos acessados com pouca frequência s3 Glacier Azure Archive Storage Cloud Storage Archive
FaaS Lambda Azure Functions Serverless Compute Cloud Functions
CDN Amazon Cloudfront Azure CDN Cloud CDN
Bancos de dados SQL Amazon RDS Azure SQL Database Cloud SQL
Bancos de dados NoSQL DynamoDB Cosmos DB Cloud Datastore
Document data storage Amazon DocumentDB e AWS DynamoDB Azure Cosmos DB Firestore
Business Intelligence (BI) Amazon QuickSight Microsoft Power BI Looker
In-memory data store Amazon ElastiCache Azure Cache Memorystore
AI/ML Tensorflow on AWS Azure Databricks Tensorflow Enterprise
Natural Language Processing Amazon Comprehend Azure Text Analytics Natural Language AI
Stream Data Processing Amazon Kinesis Azure Stream Analytics Dataflow
Plataforma de IoT AWS IoT Core Azure IoT Hub Cloud IoT
API Management Amazon API Gateway Azure API Management API Gateway e Apigee
DNS Route 53 Azure DNS Cloud DNS
Load balancing ELB Load Balancing for Azure Cloud Load Balancing
Rede Virtual VPC Azure Virtual Network Virtual Private Cloud
Segurança de redes AWS Virtual Private Network Azure Virtual Private Network Cloud VPN
Web application firewall AWS WAF Azure WAF Google Cloud Armor
Conexão com VMs AWS EC2 Instance Connect Azure Bastion SSH from the browser
Gestão de Identidade Amazon Identity and Access Management Azure Identity Management Cloud Identity and Access Management
Microsoft AD Gerenciado Microsoft AD gerenciado pela AWS Azure Active Directory Managed Microsoft AD
Secret management AWS Secrets Manager Azure Key Vault Secret Manager
Command-line interface (CLI) AWS CLI Azure CLI Cloud SDK
Scaling AWS Auto Scaling Azure Autoscale Autoscaler
Migração de banco de dados SQL AWS Database Migration Service Azure Database Migration Service Database Migration Service
Migração de Storage AWS Storage Gateway Azure Migrate Storage Transfer Service
Migração para Container AWS App2Container Azure Migrate Migrate for Anthos
Migração de Servidores AWS Server Migration Service Azure Migrate Migrate for Compute Engine
Otimização de custos na nuvem AWS Cost Optimization Azure Advisor Recommender
Confidential Computing AWS Nitro Enclaves Azure Confidential Computing Confidential Computing
Prevenção de perda de dados Amazon Macie Azure Information Protection Cloud Data Loss Prevention
Stream data ingest Amazon Kinesis Azure Event Hubs Pub/Sub
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