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Created January 29, 2024 09:03
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A port of Fast Poisson Disk Sampling for Unity to the Jobs System (
using System;
using Unity.Burst;
using Unity.Collections;
using Unity.Jobs;
using Unity.Mathematics;
using UnityEngine;
using Random = Unity.Mathematics.Random;
* A port of Fast Poisson Disk Sampling for Unity to the Jobs System.
* (
public struct PoissonJob : IJob, IDisposable
#region Types
private struct GridItem
#region Fields
public bool HasValue;
public float2 Value;
#region Fields
// Because two dimensional grid.
private const float INVERT_ROOT_TWO = 0.70710678118f;
private const int DEFAULT_ITERATION_PER_POINT = 30;
private readonly float2 _bottomLeft;
private readonly float2 _topRight;
private readonly Rect _area;
private readonly float _minimumDistance;
private readonly int _iterationPerPoint;
private readonly float _cellSize;
private readonly int2 _gridSize;
private NativeList<float2> _results;
private NativeArray<GridItem> _grid;
private NativeList<float2> _activePoints;
private Random _rng;
#region Constructors
public PoissonJob(
in NativeList<float2> results,
in float2 bottomLeft,
in float2 topRight,
in float minimumDistance,
in int iterationPerPoint = DEFAULT_ITERATION_PER_POINT,
in uint? seed = default)
var dimension = topRight - bottomLeft;
var cell = minimumDistance * INVERT_ROOT_TWO;
_bottomLeft = bottomLeft;
_topRight = topRight;
_area = new Rect(new float2(bottomLeft.x, bottomLeft.y), new float2(dimension.x, dimension.y));
_minimumDistance = minimumDistance;
_iterationPerPoint = iterationPerPoint;
_cellSize = cell;
_gridSize = new int2((int)math.ceil(dimension.x / cell), (int)math.ceil(dimension.y / cell));
_results = results;
var gridCapacity = (_gridSize.x + 1) * (_gridSize.y + 1);
_grid = new NativeArray<GridItem>(gridCapacity, Allocator.TempJob);
_activePoints = new NativeList<float2>(Allocator.TempJob);
_rng = new Random(seed ?? (uint)Environment.TickCount);
#region Methods
/// <inheritdoc />
public void Dispose()
private float2 GetRandPosInCircle(in float fieldMin, in float fieldMax)
var theta = _rng.NextFloat(0f, math.PI * 2f);
var radius = math.sqrt(_rng.NextFloat(fieldMin * fieldMin, fieldMax * fieldMax));
return new float2(radius * math.cos(theta), radius * math.sin(theta));
private int2 GetGridCellForValue(in float2 point)
return new int2(
(int)math.floor((point.x - _bottomLeft.x) / _cellSize),
(int)math.floor((point.y - _bottomLeft.y) / _cellSize));
private bool GetNextPoint(in float2 point)
var found = false;
var p = GetRandPosInCircle(_minimumDistance, 2f * _minimumDistance) + point;
if (!_area.Contains(p))
return false;
var minimum = _minimumDistance * _minimumDistance;
var index = GetGridCellForValue(p);
var drop = false;
var around = (int)math.ceil(_minimumDistance / _cellSize);
var fieldMin = new int2(math.max(0, index.x - around), math.max(0, index.y - around));
var fieldMax = new int2(
math.min(_gridSize.x, index.x + around),
math.min(_gridSize.y, index.y + around));
for (var x = fieldMin.x; x <= fieldMax.x && !drop; x++)
for (var y = fieldMin.y; y <= fieldMax.y && !drop; y++)
var cell = new int2(x, y);
var item = GetItemFromGrid(cell);
if (item.HasValue && math.lengthsq(item.Value - p) <= minimum)
drop = true;
if (!drop)
found = true;
SetValueInGrid(index, p);
return found;
private GridItem GetItemFromGrid(in int2 cell)
var index = cell.y * _gridSize.x + cell.x;
return _grid[index];
private void SetValueInGrid(in int2 cell, in float2 value)
var index = cell.y * _gridSize.x + cell.x;
var gridItem = _grid[index];
gridItem.Value = value;
gridItem.HasValue = true;
_grid[index] = gridItem;
private void GetFirstPoint()
var first = new float2(
_rng.NextFloat(_bottomLeft.x, _topRight.x),
_rng.NextFloat(_bottomLeft.y, _topRight.y));
var index = GetGridCellForValue(first);
SetValueInGrid(index, first);
/// <inheritdoc />
void IJob.Execute()
var index = _rng.NextInt(0, _activePoints.Length);
var point = _activePoints[index];
var found = false;
for (var k = 0; k < _iterationPerPoint; k++)
found |= GetNextPoint(point);
if (!found)
while (_activePoints.Length > 0);
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