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capstone 3 feedback
[x] 483px horizontal scroll
decrease max width of "crooked card"
[x] Tests ???
While you have terrific validation and error-handling in place - I do not
see any tests written for client or server.
Client Tests: (stored alongside each component as *.spec.js)
Server Tests:
[ ] "crooked card" covers registration form ???
Content is great. Layout is terrific - great implementation of the charts
and calendars intertwined in your custom modules. The registration form
covers the label for the first input by the way.
No one on the team was able to reproduce this
The only way to get this to happen is to use an actual iPhone or to use safari on a Mac
[x] 320px form break
gave category-control a specific width
[ ] scrolling up to see form error
I guess we could move the error message to just above the submit button
[ ] add cursor: pointer to all interactive elements
[ ] 4xx level errors in the console
Attempting an illegal request - such as deleting a non-empty category produces the following error. I believe the are other similar possibilities.
There's nothing we can do about 4xx errors showing up in the console
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