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Created November 11, 2024 17:17
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use std::time::Duration;
use bevy::color::palettes::css::RED;
use bevy::math::VectorSpace;
use bevy::prelude::*;
use bevy::time::common_conditions::once_after_delay;
fn main() {
.add_systems(Startup, |mut commands: Commands| {
.add_systems(Update, start_interpolation.run_if(once_after_delay(Duration::from_secs(2))))
.add_systems(Update, interpolate.run_if(resource_exists::<TargetClearColor>))
pub struct TargetClearColor {
start: Duration,
duration: Duration,
// LinearRgba is generally good, but you can achieve different effects with others like HSL
start_color: LinearRgba,
end_color: LinearRgba,
fn start_interpolation(mut commands: Commands, time: Res<Time>, clear: Res<ClearColor>) {
commands.insert_resource(TargetClearColor {
start: time.elapsed(),
duration: Duration::from_secs(2),
start_color: LinearRgba::from(*clear.clone()),
end_color: RED.into(),
fn interpolate(mut commands: Commands, time: Res<Time>, target: ResMut<TargetClearColor>, mut clear: ResMut<ClearColor>) {
// lerp factor starts at 0 & ends at 1
let elapsed: Duration = time.elapsed() - target.start;
let mut ratio = elapsed.div_duration_f32(target.duration);
if ratio >= 1. {
ratio = 1.;
let color_lerp = target.start_color.lerp(target.end_color, ratio);
clear.0 = Color::from(color_lerp);
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