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Created April 10, 2018 00:41
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import pickle
from math import log
from pprint import pprint
from bittrex import bittrex as btr
from bittrex.bittrex import Bittrex
import networkx as nx
from numpy import roll
def markets(data):
result = {}
for market in data['result']:
result[market['MarketName']] = market
return result
def graph(data):
g = nx.DiGraph()
for pair in data['result']:
market = pair['MarketName']
u, v = market.split('-')
fee = .0025
bid = float(pair['Bid'])
ask = float(pair['Ask'])
if ask == 0.0 or bid == 0.0:
ask = ask + ask * fee
bid = 1 / (bid - bid * fee)
g.add_edge(u, v, weight=float(log(ask)))
g.add_edge(v, u, weight=float(log(bid)))
return g
def cycles(g):
weights = nx.get_edge_attributes(g, 'weight')
cy = nx.simple_cycles(g)
for cycle in cy:
sum_weights = sum([weights[(cycle[i], cycle[i + 1])] for i in range(len(cycle) - 1)])
cycle = cycle[:-1]
if sum_weights < 0:
yield (cycle, sum_weights)
def main():
bt = Bittrex(None, None, api_version=btr.API_V1_1) # or defaulting to v1.1 as Bittrex(None, None)
summaries = bt.get_market_summaries()
with open('dump.bin', 'wb') as f:
pickle.dump(summaries, f)
# with open('dump.bin', 'rb') as f:
# summaries = pickle.load(f)
g = graph(summaries)
m = markets(summaries)
def calc_profit(cycle, initial=1_000):
units = {'USDT': initial}
for i in range(len(cycle) - 1):
u, v = cycle[i], cycle[i + 1]
price = get_price(u, v)
units[v] = units[u] / price
units[u] = 0
# print(u, v, '{} {}'.format(price, units[v]))
return units['USDT']
def get_price(u, v):
market = m[u + '-' + v]
ask = market['Ask']
return ask + ask * .0025
except KeyError as e:
market = m[v + '-' + u]
bid = market['Bid']
return 1 / (bid - bid * .0025)
def print_stats(c):
for i in range(len(c) - 1):
u, v = c[i], c[i + 1]
market = m[u + '-' + v]
except KeyError:
market = m[v + '-' + u]
profit_count = 0
best_trade = None
max_profit = 0
for c, w in cycles(g):
if 'USDT' not in c or len(c) > 5:
# start with USDT
c = roll(c, len(c) - c.index('USDT')).tolist()
initial = 3_000
profit = calc_profit(c, initial)
if profit > max_profit:
max_profit = profit
best_trade = c
if profit > (initial * .01 + initial):
print('{}\t{:.2f}'.format(c, profit))
profit_count += 1
if max_profit > 0:
pct_profit = ((max_profit - 3000) / 3000) * 100
print('Best trade: {}. Profit: {:.2f}; {:.2f}%'.format(best_trade, max_profit, pct_profit))
if __name__ == '__main__':
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