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Last active August 29, 2015 14:18
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  • Save thecoshman/85495644a913b15f8490 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save thecoshman/85495644a913b15f8490 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#include <vector>
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
#include <numeric>
template<typename T>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const std::vector<T>& obj) {
os << "[";
for(uint i = 0; i < obj.size(); ++i){
os <<;
if(i+1 < obj.size()){
os << ", ";
os << "]";
return os;
template<typename Ta, typename Tb>
std::vector<Ta> sort_with(const std::vector<Ta>& first, const std::vector<Tb>& second){
std::vector<std::pair<Ta, Tb>> zip;
for(uint i = 0; i < first.size() && i < second.size(); ++i){
zip.emplace_back(first[i], second[i]);
struct {
bool operator()(std::pair<Ta, Tb> a, std::pair<Ta, Tb> b)
return a.second < b.second;
} compare_second;
std::sort(zip.begin(), zip.end(), compare_second);
std::vector<Ta> r;
for(auto pair : zip){
return r;
template<int dimensions>
struct simplex_noise{
simplex_noise(int init_seed): seed(hash(init_seed)), d_range(dimensions){
std::iota(d_range.begin(), d_range.end(), 0);
// Compute skew constant. This is questionably correct
skew_constant = (std::sqrt(dimensions + 1) - 1) / dimensions;
// This is the proper relation between f and g in terms of d
// that makes sure skewing and unskewing reverse eachother
unskew_constant = skew_constant / (1 + (dimensions * skew_constant));
// distace from corner to center of most distant face
// this is the max influance distance for a vertex
if (dimensions == 1) {
corner_to_face_squared = 1.0;
// corner_to_face_squared = std::pow(side_length, 2);
} else {
// simplex edge length
float side_length = std::sqrt(dimensions) / ((dimensions * skew_constant) + 1);
float a = std::pow(std::pow(side_length, 2) - std::pow(side_length / 2, 2), 0.5);
if (dimensions == 2){
corner_to_face_squared = std::pow(a, 2);
} else{
corner_to_face_squared = std::pow(a, 2) + std::pow((a/2), 2);
// Precompute gradient vectors.
// Make all possible vectors consisting of:
// +1 and -1 components with a single 0 component:
// Vecs from center to midddle of edges of hyper-cube
if (dimensions > 1) {
// inject 0s into vecs from vf to make needed vecs
for(int z : d_range) {
auto vecs_for_d = gen_gradients();
for(auto gradient : vecs_for_d){
gradient.insert(gradient.begin() += z, 0);
// All 1 or -1 version (hypercube corners)
// Makes number of vecs higher, and a power of 2.
//self.vecs=[v for z in xrange(d) for v in vf(d)]
// Compensate for gradient vector lengths
value_scaler = std::pow(dimensions - 1, -0.5);
// use d instead of d-1 if using corners instead of edges
// Rough estimated/expirmentally determined function
// for scaling output to be -1 to 1
value_scaler *= std::pow(dimensions - 1,-3.5) *100 + 13;
} else {
// skew_constant = 0;
gradients = {{1.0f}, {-1.0f}};
value_scaler = 1.0;
// corner_to_face_squared = 1.0;
// unskew_constant = 1.0;
// shuffle the vectors using self.seed
std::mt19937 rand(seed);
std::shuffle(gradients.begin(), gradients.end(), rand);
float noise(std::array<float, dimensions> coord, bool getDerivative){
//""" loc is a list of coordinates for the sample position """
// Perform the skew operation on input space will convert the
// regular simplexs to right simplexes making up huper-cubes
auto s = std::accumulate(coord.begin(), coord.end(), 0) * skew_constant;
// Skew and round loc to get origin of containing hypercube in skewed space
std::vector<int> skewed_coord; // intSkewLoc
for(auto v : coord){
skewed_coord.push_back((int) std::floor(v + s));
// Unskewing factor for intSkewLoc to get to input space
auto t = std::accumulate(skewed_coord.begin(), skewed_coord.end(), 0) * unskew_constant;
// skewed simplex origin unskewed to input space would be:
// cellOrigin=[v-t for v in intSkewLoc]
// Distance from unskewed simplex origin (intSkewLoc[i]-t) to loc,
// all in input space
std::vector<float> cell_dist; // cellDist
for(int i : d_range){
cell_dist.push_back(coord[i] - skewed_coord[i] + t);
// Indexs of items in cellDist, largest to smallest
// To find correct vertexes of containing simplex, the containing hypercube
// is traversed one step of +1 on each axis, in the order given
// by greatest displacement from origin of hyper cube first.
// This order is stored in distOrder: The order to traverse the axies
auto dist_order = sort_with(d_range, cell_dist);
std::reverse(dist_order.begin(), dist_order.end());
// Copy intSkewLoc to work through verts of simplex
// intLoc will hold the current vertex,
// and intSkewLoc will stay the containing origin's vertex
// these are still the skewed right simplexes/ hypercube space vertex indexes
auto skewed_coord_copy(skewed_coord); // intLoc
// our accumulator of noise
float n(0.0);
// skewOffset holds addational skew that needs to get added.
// It will be self.g * the how many +1s have been added to all the axies total
// Thus, adding it to the current vertex skewes it to be in input space
// relative to the simplex's origin vertex:
// intSkewLoc in skewed space.
float skew_offset(0.0); // skewOffset
for(int v : dist_order){
// Move to the next corner of simplex of not on first corner
if (v != -1){
skewed_coord_copy[v] += 1;
// get u: loc's position relative to the current vertex, in input space
std::vector<float> u;
for(int i : d_range){
u.push_back(cell_dist[i] - (skewed_coord_copy[i] - skewed_coord[i]) + skew_offset);
// t is the factor for attenuating the effect from the current vertexes gradient
// its based on distance squared
// if distance squared exceeds self.cornerToFaceSquared, there is no contribution
auto t = corner_to_face_squared;
for(float a : u){
// Accumulate negative distance squared into t
t -= (a * a);
if(t > 0){
// fech a pseudorandom vec from self.vecs using intLoc
auto index = seed;
for (int i : d_range){
index += skewed_coord_copy[i] << ((5*i)%16);
auto gradient = gradients[(hash(index)) % gradients.size()];
// dot product of vertex to loc vector and vector for gradient
float gr(0);
for (int i : d_range){
gr += gradient[i]*u[i];
// add current vertexes contribution
float t4= std::pow(t,4);
n += gr*t4;
skew_offset += unskew_constant;
return n * value_scaler;
long hash(uint value){
long hash = 255 & value;
hash += (hash << 10);
hash ^= (hash >> 6);
hash += 255 & (value>>(8));
hash += (hash << 10);
hash ^= (hash >> 6);
hash += 255 & (value>>(16));
hash += (hash << 10);
hash ^= (hash >> 6);
hash += (hash << 3);
hash ^= (hash >> 11);
return hash+(hash << 15);
std::vector<std::vector<float>> gen_gradients (){
// Little helper generator function for making gradient vecs
// Makes vecs of all -1 or 1, of d dimensions
std::vector<std::vector<float>> vectors;
for(int i = 0; i < std::pow(2, dimensions - 1); ++i){
std::vector<float> vector;
for(int d = 0; d < dimensions - 1; ++d){
vector.push_back((i >> d) % 2 * 2 -1);
return vectors;
int seed;
float skew_constant, unskew_constant, corner_to_face_squared, value_scaler;
std::vector<std::vector<float>> gradients;
std::vector<int> d_range;
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