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Forked from moul/std.go
Last active November 7, 2024 17:35
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// just reorganizing the current `std` into "categories", not yet improving the API.
// chain
type AddressList []Address
func NewAddressList() *AddressList
type RawAddress [RawAddressSize]byte
const RawAddressSize = 20
type Address string
func DerivePkgAddr(pkgPath string) Address
func EncodeBech32(prefix string, bz [20]byte) Address
func DecodeBech32(addr Address) (prefix string, bz [20]byte, ok bool)
func Emit(typ string, attrs ...string)
// chain/runtime
type Realm struct{ ... }
func CurrentRealm() Realm
func PrevRealm() Realm
func GetCallerAt(n int) Address
func GetOrigCaller() Address
func GetOrigPkgAddr() Address
func ChainID() string
func GetHeight() int64
func IsOriginCall() bool
func AssertOriginCall()
// chain/banker
type Banker interface{ ... }
func GetBanker(bt BankerType) Banker
type BankerType uint8
const BankerTypeReadonly BankerType = iota ...
type Coin struct{ ... }
func NewCoin(denom string, amount int64) Coin
type Coins []Coin
func GetOrigSend() Coins
func NewCoins(coins ...Coin) Coins
// chain/params
func SetParamBool(key string, val bool)
func SetParamBytes(key string, val []byte)
func SetParamInt64(key string, val int64)
func SetParamString(key string, val string)
func SetParamUint64(key string, val uint64)
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