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Created December 19, 2018 10:12
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uncomplicated crosscompilation of the major 9 platforms in go
# Looking at the source, I see.
# Bear with me. I can barely understand bash, let alone writing it.
# See that something can be done in a much better way? Just Pull Request It (tm)
if [ -z ${1+x} ]; then nproj=${PWD##*/}; else nproj=$1; fi
echo project name $nproj
for GOOS in darwin linux windows; do
for GOARCH in 386 amd64; do
echo "Building $GOOS-$GOARCH"
if [ $GOOS == "windows" ]; then extension=".exe"; else extension=""; fi
export GOOS=$GOOS
go build -o bin/$nproj-$GOOS-$GOARCH$extension
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