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Created May 23, 2017 21:25
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UART driver doesn't work
//! # UART for the LM4F120H5QR
// ****************************************************************************
// Imports
// ****************************************************************************
use core::fmt;
use core::intrinsics::{volatile_load, volatile_store};
use embedded_serial::{self, BlockingTx, NonBlockingRx};
use cortex_m::asm::nop;
use super::gpio;
use super::pll;
use super::registers as reg;
use tm4c123x::uart0;
// ****************************************************************************
// Public Types
// ****************************************************************************
/// This chip has 8 UARTs
#[derive(PartialEq, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum UartId {
/// Controls a single UART
/// Only supports 8/N/1 - who needs anything else?
pub struct Uart {
id: UartId,
baud: u32,
nl_mode: NewlineMode,
reg: &'static mut reg::UartRegisters,
reg2: &'static mut uart0::RegisterBlock,
/// writeln!() emits LF chars, so this is useful
/// if you're writing text with your UART
#[derive(PartialEq, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum NewlineMode {
/// Emit octets as received
/// Emit an extra CR before every LF
// ****************************************************************************
// Private Types
// ****************************************************************************
// None
// ****************************************************************************
// Public Data
// ****************************************************************************
// None
// ****************************************************************************
// Public Functions
// ****************************************************************************
/// Represents a single UART on the LM4F120
impl Uart {
/// Create a new Uart object. The caller is responsible for ensuring
/// that only one object exists per UartId. The UART is set to
/// 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity and is not configurable.
/// Optionally, newline translation can be performed on outbound data
/// - this will cause writeln!() to emit a CRLF.
pub fn new(id: UartId, baud: u32, nl_mode: NewlineMode) -> Uart {
let mut uart = Uart {
id: id,
baud: baud,
nl_mode: nl_mode,
reg: get_uart_registers(id),
reg2: get_uart_registers2(id),
/// Configure the hardware
fn init(&mut self) -> () {
// Do GPIO pin muxing
// Enable UART module in RCGUART register p306
unsafe {
// Disable UART and all features
// Calculate the baud rate values
// baud_div = CLOCK_RATE / (16 * baud_rate);
// baud_int = round(baud_div * 64)
let baud_int: u32 = (((pll::get_clock_hz() * 8) / self.baud) + 1) / 2;
// Store the upper and lower parts of the divider
self.reg.ibrd.write((baud_int / 64) as usize);
self.reg.fbrd.write((baud_int % 64) as usize);
// Set the UART Line Control register value
// 8N1 + FIFO enabled
self.reg.lcrh.write(reg::UART_LCRH_WLEN_8 | reg::UART_LCRH_FEN);
// Clear the flags
// Enable
self.reg.ctl.write(reg::UART_CTL_RXE | reg::UART_CTL_TXE | reg::UART_CTL_UARTEN);
/// Select which bits to enable in the clock gating register
fn get_clock_gating_mask(&self) -> usize {
match {
UartId::Uart0 => reg::SYSCTL_RCGCUART_R0,
UartId::Uart1 => reg::SYSCTL_RCGCUART_R1,
UartId::Uart2 => reg::SYSCTL_RCGCUART_R2,
UartId::Uart3 => reg::SYSCTL_RCGCUART_R3,
UartId::Uart4 => reg::SYSCTL_RCGCUART_R4,
UartId::Uart5 => reg::SYSCTL_RCGCUART_R5,
UartId::Uart6 => reg::SYSCTL_RCGCUART_R6,
UartId::Uart7 => reg::SYSCTL_RCGCUART_R7,
/// Enable the module in the real-time clock gating registers.
unsafe fn enable_clock(&mut self) {
volatile_store(reg::SYSCTL_RCGCUART_R, self.get_clock_gating_mask());
while volatile_load(reg::SYSCTL_RCGCUART_R) != self.get_clock_gating_mask() {
pub fn read_single(&mut self) -> Option<u8> {
impl embedded_serial::BlockingTx for Uart {
type Error = !;
/// Emit a single octet, busy-waiting if the FIFO is full.
/// Never returns `Err`.
fn putc(&mut self, value: u8) -> Result<(), Self::Error>{
while ( & reg::UART_FR_TXFF) != 0 {
} as usize);
impl embedded_serial::NonBlockingTx for Uart {
type Error = !;
/// Attempts to write to the UART. Returns `Ok(None)` if the transmiter
/// not ready, or `Ok(Some(value))`. Never returns `Err`.
fn putc_try(&mut self, value: u8) -> Result<Option<u8>, Self::Error>{
if ( & reg::UART_FR_TXFF) != 0 {
} else { as usize);
impl embedded_serial::BlockingRx for Uart {
type Error = !;
/// Read a single octet, busy-waiting if the FIFO is empty.
/// Never returns `Err`.
fn getc(&mut self) -> Result<u8, Self::Error> {
while ( & reg::UART_FR_RXFE) != 0 {
Ok( as u8)
impl embedded_serial::NonBlockingRx for Uart {
type Error = !;
/// Attempts to read from the UART. Returns `Ok(None)` if the FIFO is
/// empty, or `Ok(octet)`. Never returns `Err`.
fn getc_try(&mut self) -> Result<Option<u8>, Self::Error> {
if ( & reg::UART_FR_RXFE) != 0 {
} else {
Ok(Some( as u8))
/// Allows the Uart to be passed to 'write!()' and friends.
impl fmt::Write for Uart {
fn write_str(&mut self, s: &str) -> fmt::Result {
match self.nl_mode {
NewlineMode::Binary => {
NewlineMode::SwapLFtoCRLF => {
for byte in s.bytes() {
if byte == 0x0A {
// Prefix every \n with a \r
/// Called when UART 0 interrupt fires
pub unsafe extern "C" fn uart0_isr() {}
// ****************************************************************************
// Private Functions
// ****************************************************************************
/// Get a reference to the UART control register struct in the chip.
fn get_uart_registers(uart_id: UartId) -> &'static mut reg::UartRegisters {
unsafe {
match uart_id {
UartId::Uart0 => &mut *(reg::UART0_DR_R as *mut reg::UartRegisters),
UartId::Uart1 => &mut *(reg::UART1_DR_R as *mut reg::UartRegisters),
UartId::Uart2 => &mut *(reg::UART2_DR_R as *mut reg::UartRegisters),
UartId::Uart3 => &mut *(reg::UART3_DR_R as *mut reg::UartRegisters),
UartId::Uart4 => &mut *(reg::UART4_DR_R as *mut reg::UartRegisters),
UartId::Uart5 => &mut *(reg::UART5_DR_R as *mut reg::UartRegisters),
UartId::Uart6 => &mut *(reg::UART6_DR_R as *mut reg::UartRegisters),
UartId::Uart7 => &mut *(reg::UART7_DR_R as *mut reg::UartRegisters),
/// Get a reference to the UART control register struct in the chip.
fn get_uart_registers2(uart_id: UartId) -> &'static mut uart0::RegisterBlock {
use tm4c123x::{UART0, UART1, UART2, UART3, UART4, UART5, UART6, UART7};
unsafe {
match uart_id {
UartId::Uart0 => &mut *UART0.get(),
UartId::Uart1 => &mut *UART1.get(),
UartId::Uart2 => &mut *UART2.get(),
UartId::Uart3 => &mut *UART3.get(),
UartId::Uart4 => &mut *UART4.get(),
UartId::Uart5 => &mut *UART5.get(),
UartId::Uart6 => &mut *UART6.get(),
UartId::Uart7 => &mut *UART7.get(),
// ****************************************************************************
// End Of File
// ****************************************************************************
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