- Hyperpolyglot: Side by side comparison of a variety of languages and programming tools.
- Git Cheatsheet, Git Tips/Tricks
- Explainshell: Type a shell command and get an explanation of what it does through showing the docs
- RegExr: A learning tool and a cheat sheet for Regex.
- Pramp: Free forever peer-to-peer technical interview practice.
- InterviewBit: Gamified practice for typical coding interview questions.
- Project Euler: Math/CS related challenge problems. Try them and complete them at your own pace.
- What every CS major should know: Exactly what the title says it is. A little outdated, but still quite accurate and relevant.
- Sorting Algortithm Cheatsheet: Demonstrates sorting algorithms.
- Big-O Cheatsheet: How algorithms stack up in regards to complexity.
- Maze Algorithms by Jamis Buck: Demos and explanations of a variety of 2D maze generating algorithms.
- Introduction to A* Pathfinding: Explanation and interactive demos of A* pathfinding (game development).
- Pathfinding Algorithms Visualized: Demonstrates various pathfinding algorithms.
- Terrain from noise functions: Randomly generated 2d depth/noise maps (game development).
- DADS: Dictionary of Data Structures (and algorithms)
- The Noun Project: Find icons for your project.
- Font Awesome: A collection of scalable vector icons for web development.
- IcoMoon: Scalable vector icons, pick and choose which ones you need.
- Convertio: Convert media/docs from one type to another easily and securely online.
- HTML to HAML: Convert HTML to HAML files.
- StackBlitz: Online IDE for web applications.