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Last active December 3, 2020 10:26
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Save thekie/3156ed426b14ad2f53b07b8168b497cc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Celery only gives instructions on how to write integration tests using pyTest not the god ol' python UnitTest framework. So I wrote a CeleryTestCase which can be used as a base class for your integration tests using a real celery worker in the background.
from unittest import TestCase
from celery.contrib.testing import worker
class CeleryTestCase(TestCase):
def celery_app(self):
Override this method to provide this testcase with the celery app under test
raise NotImplementedError()
def run(self, result=None):
from kombu.asynchronous.hub import set_event_loop
with worker.start_worker(self.celery_app, loglevel="debug"):
super(CeleryTestCase, self).run(result)
from celery import Celery
celery_app = Celery("CeleryUnderTest", broker='redis://localhost:6379/0', backend='redis://localhost:6379/0')
def mul(x, y):
return x * y
from .CodeUnderTest import celery_app, mul
from .CeleryTestCase import CeleryTestCase
class MyTestCase(CeleryTestCase):
def celery_app(self):
return celery_app
def test_mul(self):
self.assertEqual(mul.delay(4, 4).get(timeout=10), 16)
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thekie commented Oct 1, 2018

The line set_event_loop(None) is quite important, otherwise, you'll run into the following error:

AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'poll'

As far as I understand it, the second half of the worker.start_worker context manager stops the worker and it's Hub and while doing that, sets the poller property of the Hub to None. Starting a new worker instance reuses the same event loop and doesn't initialize a new Hub, which leads to a partially initialized Hub with a poller property set to None. That's why I am explicitly removing the current event loop.

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thekie commented Oct 1, 2018

Importing self.celery_app.loader.import_module('celery.contrib.testing.tasks') is essential because otherwise you'll run into the follwing assert:

assert '' in app.tasks

This is because the test worker context waits, for the worker to be started, by pinging it using the imported task. If this taks is not available the assert above is triggered.

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phacic commented Dec 3, 2020

If you getting django.db.utils.InterfaceError: connection already closed change class CeleryTestCase(TestCase): to class CeleryTestCase(TransactionTestCase):

Worked for me

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