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Last active June 9, 2017 09:30
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  • Save thelazier/863f57e36255476fe650468987f96e2a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save thelazier/863f57e36255476fe650468987f96e2a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Another sum Mined coins, need "jq", "bc"
# Need following config in dash.conf
## server=1
## rpcuser=AnythingYoulike
## rpcpassword=AnyPassword
# Open your wallet and unlock before run the script :)
# Suggestion for Loop `while true; do ./ || break; done`
# Define the command
# number of max input
# Address
# Get current block
v_blocks=$($DASH_CLI getinfo|grep -iw blocks| cut -d: -f2|cut -d, -f1|awk '{print $1}')
echo Block:$v_blocks
# Get list unspent from Dash Wallet
v_listunspent=$($DASH_CLI listunspent 1000 $v_blocks [\"$TARGET_ADDR\"] )
# Create in
v_ins=$(echo $v_listunspent|jq -r '.|=sort_by(.amount)|.[]|select(.amount != 1000)|"in=\(.txid):\(.vout) "'|head -$v_numin)
if [ -z "$v_ins" ]; then exit 1; fi
#echo $v_ins
# Calculate amount
v_amnt=$(echo $v_listunspent|jq -r '.|=sort_by(.amount)|.[]|select(.amount != 1000)|.amount'|head -$v_numin|paste -sd+ |bc)
#echo $v_amnt
# Create out
#echo $v_outs
# Get rawtx
v_rawtx=$($DASH_TX -create $v_ins $v_outs)
echo RAW_TX:$v_rawtx
# Try decode raw transaction.
$DASH_CLI decoderawtransaction $v_rawtx
# Sign tx
v_sign_tx=$($DASH_CLI signrawtransaction $v_rawtx|grep -iw hex|cut -d'"' -f4)
echo SIGN_TX:$v_sign_tx
# Send Tx
v_txid=$($DASH_CLI sendrawtransaction $v_sign_tx )
echo TXID:$v_txid
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