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Last active June 22, 2019 21:53
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install arch linux
I- Partitionate the disk
fdisk -l
fdisk /dev/sda
* boot partition
n -> p -> enter -> enter (defines first sector for boot partition by default 2048) -> 1002048 sectors (defines last sector for boot partition)
a (toogle boot) -> t (type) -> ef (EFI)
* disk parttion
n -> p -> enter -> enter (fst sector) -> enter (last sector)
* to see parttion table
* to write save & quit
fdisk -l
- we can also partitionate using cfdisk
- normally we should create 3 partitions boot partition, swap partition and root partition
II- Format
mkfs.vfat -F32 /dev/sda1
mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda2
if we have 3 partitions sda1 sda2 and sda3, we can format them like that:
mkfs.ext2 /dev/sda1 => for the boot also we can format using ext4
mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda3 => for the root partition
mkswap /dev/sda2
swapon /dev/sda2 => for the swap partition
III- Mount partitions to system
ls -l /mnt==> we should fint nothing
mount /dev/sda2 /mnt
mkdir /mnt/boot
mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot
df -h ==> should print that /dev/sda1 & /dev/sda2 are mounted
The reason why we mount in this way (one partion at /mnt and the second partition as folder in that parttion /mnt/boot)
is to allow pacstrap to write into a single folder wich in facts write in two partitions and that makes it easy to install
So pacstrap will put the base system onto the mount point wich write it into both partitions some inside /mnt/boot and some into /mnt
NOTE: if we have a swap partition we dont need to mount it
IV- Install the base packages
pacstrap is a binary of arch (/usr/bin/pacstarp) it writes the base system to a mount point
pacstrap /mnt base => live installation will start
V- Generate the fsatb file
genfstab -U /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab
cat /mnt/etc/fstab => to chack its content
what this file does is once our system boots it will use this file to know:
which partions to mount, where to mount them, the options to mount them with and then the order of mounting
In our case it will be two entries:
* the root system /dev/sda2 mounetd on / its type is ext4 read/write
* the boot partition mounetd at /boot type vfat
blkid ==> this command also give us idea about the system mounted partition
VI- chroot the system
arch-chroot /mnt => arch linux iso root will change to our installed / (but we are still on the iso)
VII- set time zone
now we are on our system any thing we will it will remain on our system, so we can set time
ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/africa/casablanca /etc/localtime
date => to check out the time
VIII- set localization
we will generate the local files
nano /etc/locale.gen => uncomment locale you want and ctrl+O and ctrl+X to save
locale-gen => will generate locale uncommented
now we should create the locale.conf
nano /etc/locale.conf => and then add the LANG and KEYMAP for example
and finally ctrl+O and ctrl+X to save
IX- set hostname
hostname => to see the actual hostname it will be archiso
nano /etc/hostname => insert wanted hostname myHostname then ctrl+X
hostname => to see the new hostname
IX- set hosts file
it contains different host names to ip adresses
on docs we have
nano /etc/hosts localhost
::1 localhost myhostname.localdomain myhostname
then save
for me I did: localhost myHostname
IX- set password
passwd => insert the new password
X- install grub
grub is meant for allowing us access arch from Boot existing os
The GRUB (Grand Unified Bootloader) is the first program which starts when the program is switched on. The bootloader transfers the control to the operating system kernel.
pacman -S grub
grub-install /dev/sda
grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
df -h => to see our disk how it looks like
XI- Exit
now we can exit from chroot envirement
umount /mnt/boot
umount /mnt
now we can access arch from Boot existing os
XII - Logging
we boot from Boot existing os
we insert for login : root
for password: the password that we created
back to Boot Arch Linux (x86_64)
mount /dev/sda2 /mnt
mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot
arch-chroot /mnt
make the fix you want
umount /mnt/boot
umount /mnt
then Boot from existing os
networking is not enabled (so ifconfig ping wont work) => we need to enable DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) precisely DHCP clinet which is for Arch it's dhcpcd.
note that Arch comes with systemd wich means we have systemctl command
ip addr => to see if we have a network interface
systemctl enable dhcpcd => to make this service start each time we reboot
systemctl start dhcpcd
this will enable our network interface and we ill have an IP to work with
to test if it works
to get somthing graphical on our machine we need: desktop or display managers "dms" & desktop environement "des"
globaly we need:
- X server
- GPU driver
- Window Manager (Gnome, KDE, i3wm)
- Apps (terminal urxvt for example)
for our example we will install:
- 1st we need xorg-server: X server
Xorg is the X Window server which allows users to have a graphical environment at their fingertips. X provides the basic framework for a GUI environment: drawing and moving windows on the display device and interacting with a mouse and keyboard. The X.Org Server implements the server side of the X Window System core protocol
- 2nd lxdm: display manager
LXDM is a lightweight display manager for the LXDE desktop environment.
- 3rd mate is one of many desktop env like gnome, kde, kde/plasma, lxde, Xfce, nome
- 4th mate-extra
pacman -S xorg-server lxdm mate mate-extra
useradd -m -d /home/taha taha => we need a user with pwd beacause on arch we are root
passwd taha
systemctl enable lxdm
systemctl start lxdm => launch the display manager
NOTE: to go back to arch terminal ctrl + F2
to let a user do root things
nano /etc/sudoers
taha ALL=(ALL) ALL
another example of installing dektop env.
part 1: create a user acount
useradd -m -g users -s /bin/bash taha => creates a user called taha -s to use bash as defalut shell -m create /home/taha -g to add taha to group of users
passwd taha
visudo => to add taha to sudoers, when visudo opened scroll to root ALL=(ALL) ALL and insert taha ALL=(ALL) ALL
part 2: install prerequisites (display server, graphics driver, display manager)
* display server is the link between software and hardware, it allows the computer to display images taht we want by configuring the graphic card to dispaly them on the monitor => the most popular display server is xorg
*find the appropriate gpu driver and install it, xf86-video-vesa is a standard of all gpu cards
*display manager is the login page, for each desktop env ther is a recomanded display manager like below in the list:
KDE Plasma 5 - sddm
KDE4 - kdm*
GNOME - gdm
LXDE - lxdm
Universal Display manager - lgthdm, mdm-dispaly-manager, slim, xorg-xdm
pacman -S xorg-server xorg-xinit => the default package of xorg is xorg-server and the other are utilities that we may need later
pacman -S driver-of-my-gpu
pacman -S lxdm
To choose the right driver, first detect the graphics card. lspci can be used for this task:
lspci -v => all devices
root #lspci | grep -i VGA
This should show something like this:
root #lspci | grep -i VGA
00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 3rd Gen Core processor Graphics Controller (rev 09)
the 3rd gen is an intel i915
Generation Chipset OpenGL OpenGL-ES OpenCL VAAPI Vulkan VIDEO_CARDS
Gen 3 915G/GM, 945G/GM, G/Q33, Q35, Atom D4xx/D5xx/N4xx/N5xx 1.4 No No No No intel i915
so we will install for intel the driver xf86-video-intel
Note that generally for:
AMD -> xf86-video-amdgpu
NVIDIA -> xf86-video-nouveau
INTEL -> xf86-video-intel
xf86-video-vesa is a standard driver
pacman -S xf86-video-intel
part 3: install the desktop environement
we are going to instal the group that contains the packages that we need for tha desktop environment
KDE Plasma 5 -> plasma
Cinnamon -> cinnamon
GNOME -> gnome
LXDE -> lxde or lxde-gtk3*
MATE -> lxde or mate-gtk3*
Xfce -> xfce4
pacman -S lxde
By default it only install the minimum of desktop env, and not many other apps that go with it, to do that we can install other packages that have a bundle of group of packages like
KDE Plasma 5 -> kade-applications
Cinnamon -> N/A (not applicable or available)
GNOME -> gnome-extra
LXDE -> (not applicable or available)
MATE -> mate-extra
Xfce -> xfce4-goodies
part 4: launch the display manager while booting
systemctl enable lxdm
systemctl start lxdm
when installing on virtualox we have to install Guest Additions, to be able to improve image resolution and better control of the mouse. :
- first way: from terminal
pacman -S virtualbox-guest-utils => for VirtualBox Guest utilities with X support, then choose for the default linux kernel choose virtualbox-guest-modules-arch and for non-default kernels choose virtualbox-guest-dkms
pacman -S virtualbox-guest-utils-nox => for VirtualBox Guest utilities without X support
systemctl enable vboxservice
- second way:
mount the VBoxGuestAdditions.iso on cdrom of virtualbox app
mount /dev/cdrom /mnt => this will mount the cdrom
cd /mnt
we may need to have as graphical card VBoxVGA to be able to have full screen
so go to the virtualbox app => arch vdi setting => display => choose as graphics controller VBoxVGA
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