Some of the exact port numbers seem to be different between installations. I'm not sure if any have to be as listed, but those were a working number I used at some point
Port | Description | Place Defined | Open Port | Unique |
11000 | Overworld server port | Master/server.ini | x | x |
11001 | Cave server port | Caves/server.ini | x | x |
8768 | Steam auth port for overworld | Master/server.ini | ||
8769 | Steam auth port for cave | Caves/server.ini | ||
27018 | Steam master server port for overworld | Master/server.ini | x | |
27019 | Steam master server port for cave | Caves/server.ini | x | |
10888 | Shard master port | cluster.ini | x |
sudo su - dstserver
wget -O && chmod +x
./ dstserver
./ dstserver
mkdir -p ~/lgsm/config-lgsm/dstserver/
echo '# Installation Variables
cave="false"' >> ~/lgsm/config-lgsm/dstserver/dstserver.cfg
echo '# Installation Variables
cave="true"' >> ~/lgsm/config-lgsm/dstserver/dstserver-2.cfg
mkdir -p ~/.klei/DoNotStarveTogether/Cluster_1/
echo 'INSERT_CLUSTER_TOKEN' > ~/.klei/DoNotStarveTogether/Cluster_1/cluster_token.txt
./dstserver install
./dstserver-2 install
mkdir -p ~/.klei/DoNotStarveTogether/Cluster_1/Master/
mkdir -p ~/.klei/DoNotStarveTogether/Cluster_1/Caves/
echo '[NETWORK]
server_port = 11000
is_master = true
authentication_port = 8768
master_server_port = 27018
encode_user_path = true' > ~/.klei/DoNotStarveTogether/Cluster_1/Master/server.ini
echo '[NETWORK]
server_port = 11001
authentication_port = 8769
master_server_port = 27019
bind_ip =
is_master = false
encode_user_path = true' > ~/.klei/DoNotStarveTogether/Cluster_1/Caves/server.ini
nano ~/.klei/DoNotStarveTogether/Cluster_1/cluster.ini
Change the relevant line to
shard_enabled = true
echo 'return {
override_enabled = false,
}' > ~/.klei/DoNotStarveTogether/Cluster_1/Master/worldgenoverride.lua
echo 'return {
override_enabled = true,
preset = "DST_CAVE",
}' > ~/.klei/DoNotStarveTogether/Cluster_1/Caves/worldgenoverride.lua
./dstserver start
./dstserver-2 start
File | Path | Purpose |
dedicated_server_mods_setup.lua | ~/serverfiles/mods/ | Specify server mods to download next time the server starts |
modsettings.lua | ~/serverfiles/mods/ | Settings for debugging mods |
modoverrides.lua | ~/.klei/DoNotStarveTogether/Cluster_1/Master/ | Specify enabled mods for overworld and their configs |
modoverrides.lua | ~/.klei/DoNotStarveTogether/Cluster_1/Caves/ | Specify enabled mods for caves and their configs |
Get workshop ID's of desired mod. To the ~/serverfiles/mods/dedicated_server_mods_setup.lua file, add the following line for each mod.
ServerModSetup("WorkshopID#") -- Comments
To the Master and Caves shard located at ~/.klei/DoNotStarveTogether/Cluster_#, add a file
touch modoverrides.lua
and add the following lines
return {
["workshop-WorkshopID1"] = { enabled = true }, -- Mod 1
["workshop-WorkshopID2"] = { enabled = true }, -- Mod 2
. . .
["workshop-WorkshopID(n-1)"] = { enabled = true }, -- Mod (n-1)
["workshop-WorkshopIDn"] = { enabled = true } -- Mod n
Notice that commas are required after each mod except the last one. If there is no caves world, this process only needs to be done to the Master shard.
Auto-generate a modoverrides.lua file by creating a client hosted server with the server mods included and configuring it through the UI before generating the world. After world generation, extract the modoverrides.lua file from the Klei folder in the documents of your personal machine and replace the files created in the previous step with the auto-generated one.
I'm glad you found it helpful! It took a lot of trial and error to figure things out based on existing documentation, so I'm glad you were able to stumble upon this.