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Created June 9, 2011 21:16
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Save them/1017774 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Quick and dirty Chromium downloader for OSX till Chromatic is updated
# Quick and dirty Chromium updater till Chromatic is updated.
# Beware there is no safety net, use at your own risk!
# Where is Chromium installed?
# Get current installed version
CURRENT=$(xpath $INSTALLFOLDER/ '/plist/dict/key[. = "SCMRevision"]/following-sibling::string[1]/text()' 2> /dev/null);
# If folder is not existing or parsing failed, force download
if [[ $? != 0 ]] ; then
# Get latest version from Google
if [[ $? != 0 ]] ; then
echo "Sorry, can not fetch latest version information"
exit 1
# Do nothing if latest version is already installed
if [ "$CURRENT" -ge "$LATEST" ] ; then
echo "Latest version already installed"
exit 0
echo "Current version '$CURRENT'"
echo "Downloading version '$LATEST' ..."
curl -o /tmp/chrome-mac-$ -f -L -#$RELEASE_TYPE/Mac/$LATEST/
echo "Extracting download..."
unzip -qq -o /tmp/chrome-mac-$ -d /tmp
rm /tmp/chrome-mac-$
if [ -d $INSTALLFOLDER/ ] ; then
mv $INSTALLFOLDER/ ~/.Trash/
mv /tmp/chrome-mac/ $INSTALLFOLDER/
rm -R /tmp/chrome-mac
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Just thought you'd like to have this. I hex edited chromatic to use the new URL's for nightlies and all is working fine now. You can download it at

NOTE from TheM: remove the dashes from the domain if you really want to download it. I've not tested it and I'll wait for the official release. So use it at your own risk.

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them commented Jul 25, 2011

Added version check. Omitting download if unnecessary.

Note to myself: do not add more features in a simple bash script, even more Perl is required

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