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Last active April 2, 2024 01:56
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You're standing on the moon, and you locked a laser into a tripod and pointed it at the Earth's equator. What shape does your laser make across the earth as the moon orbits the Earth? Taking into account the moon's wobble, libation, and eccentricities, this draws a wobbly line up and down the equator about 10% of the earth's height (I think).
# pip install matplotlib astropy jplephem
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.time import Time
from astropy.coordinates import solar_system_ephemeris, get_body, EarthLocation, GeocentricTrueEcliptic
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Ensure astropy.units is correctly imported and used
initial_time = Time('2019-01-01 00:00:00', scale='utc')
end_time = initial_time + 300 *
delta_time = 1 * u.hour
times = Time(np.arange(initial_time.jd, end_time.jd,, format='jd', scale='utc')
# Set up the plot
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
with solar_system_ephemeris.set('jpl'):
for t in times:
moon_location = get_body('moon', t, EarthLocation.of_site('greenwich'))
# Transform to GeocentricTrueEcliptic to work with ecliptic coordinates
moon_ecliptic = moon_location.transform_to(GeocentricTrueEcliptic())
# Here, we use u.deg to ensure that units are correctly applied
laser_target_lon = moon_ecliptic.lon.wrap_at(180 * u.deg)
laser_target_lat =
# Visualization purposes, Earth's radius is considered 1 unit
x = np.cos(laser_target_lat) * np.cos(laser_target_lon)
y = np.cos(laser_target_lat) * np.sin(laser_target_lon)
z = np.sin(laser_target_lat)
# Calculate the distance from the moon to the Earth
distance_to_earth = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2)
# Check if the laser intersects the Earth
if distance_to_earth <= 1: # Assuming the Earth's radius is 1 unit
# Calculate the color based on the hour
hour_index = int((t - initial_time) / delta_time)
color = (1 - hour_index / len(times), 0, 0) # Red component decreases with each hour
ax.scatter(x, y, z, color=color, s=10) # Plot each point where the laser intersects Earth
ax.set_title("Laser Path from Moon to Earth Over 7 Days")
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