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Last active July 11, 2018 15:01
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  • Save thennequin/849505be168983f76a818bdc68a33e39 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save thennequin/849505be168983f76a818bdc68a33e39 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
using FastBitmap;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace SkinsetGenerator
public abstract class RectPacker
int m_iPadding;
Bitmap m_oBitmap;
public RectPacker()
Reset(1, 1, 0);
public Bitmap GetBitmap()
return m_oBitmap;
protected int Padding { get { return m_iPadding; } }
public void Reset(int iWidth, int iHeight, int iPadding)
m_iPadding = iPadding;
m_oBitmap = new Bitmap(iWidth, iHeight);
using (var oFast = m_oBitmap.FastLock())
oFast.Clear(Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 0, 0));
SetupImplementation(iWidth, iHeight);
public bool Insert(Bitmap oBitmap, int iID)
Point oPoint;
return Insert(oBitmap, iID, out oPoint);
public bool Insert(Bitmap oBitmap, int iID, out Point oOutPoint)
Point oPoint;
if (Insert(oBitmap.Width + m_iPadding * 2, oBitmap.Height + m_iPadding * 2, iID, out oPoint))
oOutPoint = oPoint;
using (var oLock = m_oBitmap.FastLock())
Rectangle oDstRect = new Rectangle(oPoint.X + m_iPadding, oPoint.Y + m_iPadding, oBitmap.Width, oBitmap.Height);
oLock.CopyRegion(oBitmap, new Rectangle(0, 0, oBitmap.Width, oBitmap.Height), oDstRect);
if (m_iPadding > 0)
using (FastBitmap.FastBitmap oLockSrc = oBitmap.FastLock())
//Corner Top Left
Color oColor = oLockSrc.GetPixel(0, 0);
for (int iX = Math.Max(0, oDstRect.Left - 1), iEndX = Math.Max(0, oDstRect.Left - m_iPadding); iX >= iEndX; --iX)
for (int iY = Math.Max(0, oDstRect.Top - 1), iEndY = Math.Max(0, oDstRect.Top - m_iPadding); iY >= iEndY; --iY)
oLock.SetPixel(iX, iY, oColor);
//Corner Top Right
Color oColor = oLockSrc.GetPixel(oLockSrc.Width - 1, 0);
for (int iX = Math.Min(oLock.Width - 1, oDstRect.Right), iEndX = Math.Min(oLock.Width - 1, oDstRect.Right + m_iPadding - 1); iX <= iEndX; ++iX)
for (int iY = Math.Max(0, oDstRect.Top - 1), iEndY = Math.Max(0, oDstRect.Top - m_iPadding); iY >= iEndY; --iY)
oLock.SetPixel(iX, iY, oColor);
//Corner Bottom Left
Color oColor = oLockSrc.GetPixel(0, oLockSrc.Height - 1);
for (int iX = Math.Max(0, oDstRect.Left - 1), iEndX = Math.Max(0, oDstRect.Left - m_iPadding); iX >= iEndX; --iX)
for (int iY = Math.Min(oLock.Height - 1, oDstRect.Bottom), iEndY = Math.Min(oLock.Height - 1, oDstRect.Bottom + m_iPadding - 1); iY <= iEndY; ++iY)
oLock.SetPixel(iX, iY, oColor);
//Corner Bottom Right
Color oColor = oLockSrc.GetPixel(oLockSrc.Width - 1, oLockSrc.Height - 1);
for (int iX = Math.Min(oLock.Width - 1, oDstRect.Right), iEndX = Math.Min(oLock.Width - 1, oDstRect.Right + m_iPadding - 1); iX <= iEndX; ++iX)
for (int iY = Math.Min(oLock.Height - 1, oDstRect.Bottom), iEndY = Math.Min(oLock.Height - 1, oDstRect.Bottom + m_iPadding - 1); iY <= iEndY; ++iY)
oLock.SetPixel(iX, iY, oColor);
//Top / Bottom
for (int iX = 0; iX < oLockSrc.Width; ++iX)
Color oColorTop = oLockSrc.GetPixel(iX, 0);
Color oColorBottom = oLockSrc.GetPixel(iX, oLockSrc.Height - 1);
for (int iP = 1; iP <= m_iPadding; ++iP)
oLock.SetPixel(oDstRect.X + iX, oDstRect.Top - iP, oColorTop);
oLock.SetPixel(oDstRect.X + iX, oDstRect.Bottom - 1 + iP, oColorBottom);
//Left / Right
for (int iY = 0; iY < oLockSrc.Height; ++iY)
Color oColorTop = oLockSrc.GetPixel(0, iY);
Color oColorBottom = oLockSrc.GetPixel(oLockSrc.Width - 1, iY);
for (int iP = 1; iP <= m_iPadding; ++iP)
oLock.SetPixel(oDstRect.Left - iP, oDstRect.Top + iY, oColorTop);
oLock.SetPixel(oDstRect.Right - 1 + iP, oDstRect.Top + iY, oColorBottom);
return true;
oOutPoint = new Point(-1, -1);
return false;
//Pure virtual functions
public abstract void SetupImplementation(int iWidth, int iHeight);
public abstract Rectangle GetRectangleById(int iID);
public abstract bool Insert(int iWidth, int iHeight, int iID, out Point oPoint);
public class RectPackerNode : RectPacker
class Node
public Node[] Child;
public Rectangle Rect;
public int ImageID = 0;
public bool VerticalSplit = false;
public Node GetById(int iId)
if (ImageID == iId)
return this;
if (Child != null)
Node oNode = Child[0].GetById(iId);
if (oNode != null)
return oNode;
oNode = Child[1].GetById(iId);
if (oNode != null)
return oNode;
return null;
int GetFreeWidthSpace()
if( ImageID == 0)
return Rect.Width;
else if (Child != null)
int iHeightA = Child[0].GetFreeWidthSpace();
int iHeightB = Child[1].GetFreeWidthSpace();
return System.Math.Max(iHeightA, iHeightB);
return 0;
int GetFreeHeightSpace()
if (ImageID == 0)
return Rect.Height;
else if (Child != null)
int iHeightA = Child[0].GetFreeHeightSpace();
int iHeightB = Child[1].GetFreeHeightSpace();
return System.Math.Max(iHeightA, iHeightB);
return 0;
public Node Insert(int iWidth, int iHeight, bool bPerfect, int iPadding)
int iInputRectWidth = iWidth + iPadding * 2;
int iInputRectHeight = iHeight + iPadding * 2;
if (Child != null)
/*try inserting into first child*/
Node newNode = null;
/*if (iHeight == Child[1].Rect.Height)
newNode = Child[1].Insert(img, bPerfect, iPadding);
if (newNode != null)
return newNode;
int iHeightA = Child[0].GetFreeHeightSpace();
int iHeightB = Child[1].GetFreeHeightSpace();
int iHeightDiffA = Math.Abs(iHeightA - iHeight);
int iHeightDiffB = Math.Abs(iHeightB - iHeight);
int iWidthA = Child[0].GetFreeWidthSpace();
int iWidthB = Child[1].GetFreeWidthSpace();
int iWidthDiffA = Math.Abs(iWidthA - iWidth);
int iWidthDiffB = Math.Abs(iWidthB - iWidth);
if ((iWidthDiffA + iHeightDiffA) < (iWidthDiffB + iHeightDiffB))
newNode = Child[0].Insert(iWidth, iHeight, bPerfect, iPadding);
if (newNode != null)
return newNode;
newNode = Child[1].Insert(iWidth, iHeight, bPerfect, iPadding);
if (newNode != null)
return newNode;
newNode = Child[1].Insert(iWidth, iHeight, bPerfect, iPadding);
if (newNode != null)
return newNode;
newNode = Child[0].Insert(iWidth, iHeight, bPerfect, iPadding);
if (newNode != null)
return newNode;
return null;
/*newNode = Child[0].Insert(img, bPerfect, iPadding);
if (newNode != null)
return newNode;*/
/*no room, insert into second*/
//return Child[1].Insert(img, bPerfect, iPadding);
/*if there's already a lightmap here, return*/
if (ImageID != 0)
return null;
/*if we're too small, return*/
if (iInputRectWidth > Rect.Width || iInputRectHeight > Rect.Height)
return null;
/*if we're just right, accept*/
if (iInputRectWidth == Rect.Width && iInputRectHeight == Rect.Height)
return this;
if (bPerfect && (iInputRectWidth < Rect.Width && iInputRectHeight < Rect.Height))
return null;
/*otherwise, gotta split this node and create some kids*/
Child = new Node[2] { new Node(), new Node() };
/*decide which way to split*/
int width = iInputRectWidth;
int height = iInputRectHeight;
int dw = Rect.Width - width;
int dh = Rect.Height - height;
if (dw > dh)
VerticalSplit = false;
Child[0].Rect = new Rectangle(Rect.X, Rect.Y,
width, Rect.Height);
Child[1].Rect = new Rectangle(Rect.X + width + 1, Rect.Y,
Rect.Width - width - 1, Rect.Height);
VerticalSplit = true;
Child[0].Rect = new Rectangle(Rect.X, Rect.Y,
Rect.Width, height);
Child[1].Rect = new Rectangle(Rect.X, Rect.Y + height + 1,
Rect.Width, Rect.Height - height - 1);
/*insert into first child we created*/
return Child[0].Insert(iWidth, iHeight, bPerfect, iPadding);
Node m_oRoot;
public RectPackerNode()
public override void SetupImplementation(int iWidth, int iHeight)
m_oRoot = new Node();
m_oRoot.Rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, iWidth, iHeight);
public override bool Insert(int iWidth, int iHeight, int iID, out Point oPoint)
Node pNode = m_oRoot.Insert(iWidth, iHeight, true, Padding);
if (pNode == null)
pNode = m_oRoot.Insert(iWidth, iHeight, false, Padding);
if (pNode != null)
pNode.ImageID = iID;
oPoint = pNode.Rect.Location;
return true;
oPoint = new Point(-1, -1);
return false;
/*public void PrintNodes()
using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(m_oBitmap))
g.CompositingMode = CompositingMode.SourceCopy;
PrintNode(m_oRoot, g);
void PrintNode(Node oNode, Graphics g)
g.DrawRectangle(new Pen(Color.Green), oNode.Rect);
if (null != oNode.Child)
PrintNode(oNode.Child[0], g);
PrintNode(oNode.Child[1], g);
public override Rectangle GetRectangleById(int iID)
Node oNode = m_oRoot.GetById(iID);
if (null != oNode)
return oNode.Rect;
return Rectangle.Empty;
public class RectPackerCells : RectPacker
struct CellPos
public int X;
public int Y;
int[] m_iCellsWidth;
int[] m_iCellsHeight;
int[,] m_iCellsID;
int m_iCellCols;
int m_iCellRows;
Bitmap m_oBitmap;
int m_iPadding;
Dictionary<int, Rectangle> m_oIds = new Dictionary<int, Rectangle>();
public RectPackerCells()
public override void SetupImplementation(int iWidth, int iHeight)
ResizeCells(1, 1, false);
m_iCellsID[0, 0] = 0;
m_iCellsWidth[0] = iWidth;
m_iCellsHeight[0] = iHeight;
public override bool Insert(int iWidth, int iHeight, int iID, out Point oPoint)
CellPos oCellPos;
oCellPos.X = 0;
oCellPos.Y = 0;
oPoint = new Point(-1, -1);
if (SearchBestCell(iWidth, iHeight, out oCellPos))
InsertAtPos(oCellPos, iWidth, iHeight, iID);
int iX, iY;
CellPosToPixelPos(oCellPos, out iX, out iY);
oPoint = new Point(iX, iY);
m_oIds[iID] = new Rectangle(oPoint.X, oPoint.Y, iWidth, iHeight);
return true;
return false;
public override Rectangle GetRectangleById(int iID)
if (m_oIds.ContainsKey(iID))
return m_oIds[iID];
return new Rectangle();
void ResizeCells(int iColumns, int iRows, bool bCopy = true)
if (m_iCellsID == null || m_iCellsID.GetLength(0) < iColumns || m_iCellsID.GetLength(1) < iRows)
int[] iPreviousCellsWidth = m_iCellsWidth;
int[] iPreviousCellsHeight = m_iCellsHeight;
int[,] iPreviousCellsID = m_iCellsID;
int m_iPreviousWidth = m_iCellCols;
int m_iPreviousHeight = m_iCellRows;
UInt32 iColumnsPow2 = Math.Max(32, ClosestNextPowerOf2((UInt32)iColumns));
UInt32 iRowsPow2 = Math.Max(32, ClosestNextPowerOf2((UInt32)iRows));
m_iCellsID = new int[iColumnsPow2, iRowsPow2];
m_iCellsWidth = new int[iColumnsPow2];
m_iCellsHeight = new int[iRowsPow2];
if (iPreviousCellsID != null && bCopy)
for (int iX = 0; iX < m_iPreviousWidth; ++iX)
for (int iY = 0; iY < m_iPreviousHeight; ++iY)
m_iCellsID[iX, iY] = iPreviousCellsID[iX, iY];
for (int iX = 0; iX < m_iPreviousWidth; ++iX)
m_iCellsWidth[iX] = iPreviousCellsWidth[iX];
for (int iY = 0; iY < m_iPreviousHeight; ++iY)
m_iCellsHeight[iY] = iPreviousCellsHeight[iY];
m_iCellCols = iColumns;
m_iCellRows = iRows;
UInt32 ClosestNextPowerOf2(UInt32 iValue)
iValue |= iValue >> 1;
iValue |= iValue >> 2;
iValue |= iValue >> 4;
iValue |= iValue >> 8;
iValue |= iValue >> 16;
return iValue;
bool SearchBestCell(int iWidth, int iHeight, out CellPos oCellPos)
int iBestCellDiff = int.MaxValue;
int iBestCellX = -1;
int iBestCellY = -1;
int iBestCellFound = 0;
for (int iX = 0; iX < m_iCellCols; ++iX)
for (int iY = 0; iY < m_iCellRows; ++iY)
if (m_iCellsID[iX, iY] == 0)
int iWidthNeeded = iWidth;
int iHeightNeeded = iHeight;
//Check free area on X
int iNextX = iX;
bool bFree = true;
while (iWidthNeeded > 0)
if (iNextX >= m_iCellCols)
bFree = false;
int iCellWidth = m_iCellsWidth[iNextX];
if (iCellWidth >= iWidthNeeded)
iWidthNeeded -= iCellWidth;
if (bFree == false)
//Check free area on Y
int iNextY = iY;
while (iHeightNeeded > 0)
if (iNextY >= m_iCellRows)
bFree = false;
int iCellHeight = m_iCellsHeight[iNextY];
if (iCellHeight >= iHeightNeeded)
iHeightNeeded -= iCellHeight;
if (bFree == false)
//Check free on all area
for (int iTX = iX; iTX <= iNextX; ++iTX)
for (int iTY = iY; iTY <= iNextY; ++iTY)
if (m_iCellsID[iTX, iTY] != 0)
bFree = false;
if (bFree == false)
if (bFree)
CellPos oTempCellPos;
oTempCellPos.X = iX;
oTempCellPos.Y = iY;
int iPixelX, iPixelY;
CellPosToPixelPos(oTempCellPos, out iPixelX, out iPixelY);
int iDiff = iPixelX*2 + iPixelY;
if (iBestCellDiff > iDiff)
iBestCellDiff = iDiff;
iBestCellX = iX;
iBestCellY = iY;
if (++iBestCellFound >= 16)
//oCellPos.X = iX;
//oCellPos.Y = iY;
//return true;
if (iBestCellFound >= 16)
if (iBestCellX != -1 && iBestCellY != -1)
oCellPos.X = iBestCellX;
oCellPos.Y = iBestCellY;
return true;
oCellPos.X = -1;
oCellPos.Y = -1;
return false;
void InsertAtPos(CellPos oPos, int iWidth, int iHeight, int iID)
int iWidthNeeded = iWidth;
int iHeightNeeded = iHeight;
int iNextX = oPos.X;
int iTotalWidth = 0;
while (iWidthNeeded > 0)
int iCellWidth = m_iCellsWidth[iNextX];
iTotalWidth += iCellWidth;
if (iCellWidth >= iWidthNeeded)
iWidthNeeded -= iCellWidth;
int iNextY = oPos.Y;
int iTotalHeight = 0;
while (iHeightNeeded > 0)
int iCellHeight = m_iCellsHeight[iNextY];
iTotalHeight += iCellHeight;
if (iCellHeight >= iHeightNeeded)
iHeightNeeded -= iCellHeight;
if (iTotalHeight > iHeight)
SplitRow(iNextY, iTotalHeight - iHeight);
if (iTotalWidth > iWidth)
SplitColumn(iNextX, iTotalWidth - iWidth);
for (int iTX = oPos.X; iTX <= iNextX; ++iTX)
for (int iTY = oPos.Y; iTY <= iNextY; ++iTY)
m_iCellsID[iTX, iTY] = iID;
void SplitColumn(int iColToSplit, int iRightSize)
if (iColToSplit < 0 || iColToSplit >= m_iCellCols)
throw new Exception("Invalid column to split");
int iLeftSize = m_iCellsWidth[iColToSplit] - iRightSize;
if (m_iCellsWidth[iColToSplit] <= iRightSize)
throw new Exception("Invalid right size");
ResizeCells(m_iCellCols + 1, m_iCellRows);
//Move data to right for columns after iColToSplit (and copy for splitted column)
for (int iCol = m_iCellCols - 1; iCol > iColToSplit; --iCol)
m_iCellsWidth[iCol] = m_iCellsWidth[iCol - 1];
for (int iRow = 0; iRow < m_iCellRows; ++iRow)
m_iCellsID[iCol, iRow] = m_iCellsID[iCol - 1, iRow];
//Split column size
m_iCellsWidth[iColToSplit] = iLeftSize;
m_iCellsWidth[iColToSplit + 1] = iRightSize;
void SplitRow(int iRowToSplit, int iBottomSize)
if (iRowToSplit < 0 || iRowToSplit >= m_iCellRows)
throw new Exception("Invalid column to split");
int iTopSize = m_iCellsHeight[iRowToSplit] - iBottomSize;
if (m_iCellsHeight[iRowToSplit] <= iBottomSize)
throw new Exception("Invalid bottom size");
ResizeCells(m_iCellCols, m_iCellRows + 1);
//Move data to bottom for rows after iRowToSplit (and copy for splitted row)
for (int iRow = m_iCellRows - 1; iRow > iRowToSplit; --iRow)
m_iCellsHeight[iRow] = m_iCellsHeight[iRow - 1];
for (int iCol = 0; iCol < m_iCellCols; ++iCol)
for (int iRow = m_iCellRows - 1; iRow > iRowToSplit; --iRow)
m_iCellsID[iCol, iRow] = m_iCellsID[iCol, iRow - 1];
//Split row size
m_iCellsHeight[iRowToSplit] = iTopSize;
m_iCellsHeight[iRowToSplit + 1] = iBottomSize;
void CellPosToPixelPos(CellPos oPos, out int iOutX, out int iOutY)
int iPixelX = 0;
int iPixelY = 0;
for (int iX = 0; iX < oPos.X; ++iX)
iPixelX += m_iCellsWidth[iX];
for (int iY = 0; iY < oPos.Y; ++iY)
iPixelY += m_iCellsHeight[iY];
iOutX = iPixelX;
iOutY = iPixelY;
public bool SaveDebugToFile(string sPath)
int iScale = 1;
int iWidth = 0;
for (int iX = 0; iX < m_iCellCols; ++iX)
iWidth += m_iCellsWidth[iX];
int iHeight = 0;
for (int iY = 0; iY < m_iCellRows; ++iY)
iHeight += m_iCellsHeight[iY];
Bitmap oBitmap = new Bitmap(iWidth * iScale, iHeight * iScale);
using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(oBitmap))
g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
g.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;
g.PixelOffsetMode = PixelOffsetMode.HighQuality;
StringFormat oFormat = new StringFormat()
Alignment = StringAlignment.Center,
LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center
int iCurrentY = 0;
for (int iY = 0; iY < m_iCellRows; ++iY)
int iCurrentX = 0;
for (int iX = 0; iX < m_iCellCols; ++iX)
Rectangle oRect = new Rectangle(iCurrentX * iScale, iCurrentY * iScale, m_iCellsWidth[iX] * iScale, m_iCellsHeight[iY] * iScale);
if (m_iCellsID[iX, iY] != 0)
Random rnd = new Random(m_iCellsID[iX, iY]);
Color oColor = Color.FromArgb(rnd.Next(255), rnd.Next(255), rnd.Next(255));
g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(oColor), oRect);
g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(Color.White), oRect);
g.DrawRectangle(new Pen(Color.Green), oRect);
g.DrawString(string.Format("{0}\n{1}x{2}", m_iCellsID[iX, iY], m_iCellsWidth[iX], m_iCellsHeight[iY]), new System.Drawing.Font("Tahoma", 10), Brushes.Black, oRect, oFormat);
iCurrentX += m_iCellsWidth[iX];
iCurrentY += m_iCellsHeight[iY];
return false;
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