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Last active March 8, 2023 09:56
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Lists of resources


Programming languages

Meetups Greece

Steps to start with Data Science

  1. Learn programming (Python, R etc)
  2. Learn basic statistics for data science
  3. Start projects as soon as you can
  4. Take notes on what algorithms and packages others use
  5. Learn the source code for the algorithms and try to implement them from scratch
  6. Work on more advanced projects where you collect your own data or use advanced concepts like deep learning, NLP, or computer vision.

Taken from How I Would Learn Data Science (If I Had to Start Over).

Main skills needed to become a Data Scientist

  • Maths (multivariate calculus & linear algebra)
  • Probability & statistics
  • Knowing at least one programming language like Python, R, and SQL as the most widespread ones
  • Cleaning, analyzing, and visualizing data
  • Machine learning


  • data science
  • data analysis
  • big data
  • machine learning
  • business mathematics
  • statistics
  • data analyst
  • data engineer
  • maths
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