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Last active May 25, 2021 12:29
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#!/usr/bin/env pwsh
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
$is_windows = [environment]::OSVersion.Platform.ToString().ToLower().StartsWith("win")
$app_name = "Lumy"
$script_dir = $PSScriptRoot
if ($is_windows) {
$app_data_dir = "$HOME\Application Data\Local Settings\${app_name}\${app_name}"
$drive_name = $
$miniconda_install_path = "${drive_name}:\apps\${app_name}\miniconda"
# NOTE: On Windows only adminstrator can create links.
# Therefore we use the cuistom "apps" installation path without creating
# a symlink in the $app_data_dir
$miniconda_app_dir = $miniconda_install_path
$main_file_path = "${script_dir}\..\..\"
$miniconda_hooks = "${miniconda_app_dir}\shell\condabin\conda-hook.ps1"
else {
$app_data_dir = "${HOME}/Library/Application Support/${app_name}"
$miniconda_app_dir = "${app_data_dir}/miniconda"
$main_file_path = "${script_dir}/../../"
$miniconda_hooks = "${miniconda_app_dir}/shell/condabin/conda-hook.ps1"
$default_conda_env_name = "default"
if ($args[0] -ne "--skip-conda") {
# activate conda
$hook_file_exists = Test-Path -Path $miniconda_hooks -PathType Leaf
if (!$hook_file_exists) {
throw "Conda environment is not ready: ${miniconda_app_dir}. File ${miniconda_hooks} not found."
Import-Module $miniconda_hooks
conda activate "${default_conda_env_name}"
$code = $LastExitCode
if ($code -ne 0) {
throw "'conda activate' exited with code: ${code}"
Write-Host "Activated conda env: ${default_conda_env_name}"
$python_exec = (Get-Command python).Path
Write-Host "Python executable: ${python_exec}"
else {
Write-Host "Skipped activating conda environment"
if ($args[0] -ne "--dry-run") {
python $main_file_path
$code = $LastExitCode
if ($code -ne 0) {
throw "'python' exited with code: ${code}"
else {
Write-Host "Dry run. Not starting the app."
exit 0
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