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Last active February 11, 2021 15:41
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class: SuperClass


name module package
LitElement lit-element


name privacy description parameters return inheritedFrom
superClassMethod public


name type description inheritedFrom
custom-event SuperCustomEvent this is custom

class: MyElement, my-element


name module package
SuperClass ./fixtures/-TEST/package/my-element.js


name module package
LocalizeMixin lion
Mixin ./fixtures/-TEST/package/my-element.js


name type privacy default description inheritedFrom
prop1 public
prop2 public
prop3 boolean public true
foo string private 'bar' description goes here
mixinProp number protected 1 Mixin, ./fixtures/-TEST/package/my-element.js


name privacy description parameters return inheritedFrom
instanceMethod public Some description of the method here e: Event, a: String void
superClassMethod public SuperClass, ./fixtures/-TEST/package/my-element.js


name type description inheritedFrom
my-event Event
custom-event SuperCustomEvent this is custom SuperClass, ./fixtures/-TEST/package/my-element.js


name fieldName inheritedFrom
prop-1 prop1
prop2 prop2

CSS Properties

name description
--background-color Controls the color of bar

CSS Parts

name description
bar Styles the color of bar


name description
container You can put some elements here

mixin: Mixin


name module package
klass ./fixtures/-TEST/package/my-element.js


name type privacy default description inheritedFrom
mixinProp number protected 1

import { LitElement } from 'lit-element';
import { LocalizeMixin } from 'lion';
* @fires {SuperCustomEvent} custom-event - this is custom
export class SuperClass extends LitElement {
superClassMethod() {}
const Mixin = klass => class Mixin extends klass {
/** @protected */
mixinProp = 1;
* @slot container - You can put some elements here
* @cssproperty --background-color - Controls the color of bar
* @csspart bar - Styles the color of bar
class MyElement extends LocalizeMixin(Mixin(SuperClass)) {
static get properties() {
return {
prop1: { type: Boolean, attribute: 'prop-1'},
prop2: { type: Boolean, reflect: true },
prop3: { type: Boolean, attribute: false }
* @private
* @type {string} - description goes here
foo = 'bar';
* Some description of the method here
* @public
* @param {Event} e
* @param {String} a - some description
* @return void
instanceMethod(e, a) {
this.dispatchEvent(new Event('my-event'));
constructor() {
/** @type {boolean} */
this.prop3 = true;
customElements.define('my-element', MyElement);
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