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Forked from UdjinM6/
Created March 31, 2021 20:27
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ElectrumX setup for Dash
# ElectrumX setup for Dash
# NOTE: with this setup ElectrumX will be running under root (to simplify things),
# modify it accordingly if you want to run it under some specific user
# NOTE: this script itself is not enough, you'll have to edit a couple of files manually,
# pls read comments below
# python3.7 is requried for ElectrumX,
# build-essential and -dev version of Python are required for x11_hash,
# daemontools is the way we are going to manage ElectrumX service
add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa # the repo with python3.7
apt update
apt install software-properties-common build-essential daemontools python3.7-dev
ln -sf /usr/bin/python3.7 /usr/bin/python3
python3 -V # should say Python 3.7.x now
curl -sS | python3
# might also need to reinstall setuptools now if you had them before
pip3 install --upgrade --force-reinstall setuptools
openssl genrsa -out server.key 2048
openssl req -new -key server.key -out server.csr
openssl x509 -req -days 1825 -in server.csr -signkey server.key -out server.crt
# should have server.crt, server.csr and server.key files now
git clone
cd electrumx && python3 install && pip3 install . --upgrade && cd
mkdir -p /scripts /service /data/electrumx-server
cp -R /root/electrumx/contrib/daemontools /scripts/electrumx
echo "non-empty" > /scripts/electrumx/env/ALLOW_ROOT
# assuming you want a banner and it's going to be located at /root/electrumx/banner
echo '$SERVER_SUBVERSION running on $DAEMON_SUBVERSION' > /root/electrumx/banner
echo "/root/electrumx/banner" > /scripts/electrumx/env/BANNER_FILE
echo "Dash" > /scripts/electrumx/env/COIN
# make sure to replace "you_real_rpcuser" and "your_real_rpcpassword" with actual values and tweak rpc port before running the command below
# NOTE: use port 19998 for testnet
echo "http://you_real_rpcuser:[email protected]:9998/" > /scripts/electrumx/env/DAEMON_URL
echo "/data/electrumx-server/" > /scripts/electrumx/env/DB_DIRECTORY
echo "/root/electrumx/electrumx_server" > /scripts/electrumx/env/ELECTRUMX
echo "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s:%(name)s:%(message)s" > /scripts/electrumx/env/LOG_FORMAT
echo "128" > /scripts/electrumx/env/MAX_SESSIONS # might want less on testnet, smth like 32
echo "mainnet" > /scripts/electrumx/env/NET # or "testnet"
# make sure to replace "your_external_ip" with the actual value and to tweak ports
# NOTE: use ports 51001 and 51002 for testnet, make sure ports match in two commands below
echo "tcp://your_external_ip:50001,ssl://your_external_ip:50002" > /scripts/electrumx/env/REPORT_SERVICES
echo "tcp://:50001,ssl://:50002,rpc://" > /scripts/electrumx/env/SERVICES
echo "/root/server.crt" > /scripts/electrumx/env/SSL_CERTFILE
echo "/root/server.key" > /scripts/electrumx/env/SSL_KEYFILE
echo "root" > /scripts/electrumx/env/USERNAME
# Few things to do manually:
# 1. replace /path/to/log/ in /scripts/electrumx/log/run e.g. with /var/log/electrumx
# 2. make sure you have rpcallowip= in dash.conf, if not add it and restart dashd
# add service
svscan /service & disown
ln -s /scripts/electrumx/ /service/electrumx
# should start automagically, use
# svc -u /service/electrumx # to start
# svc -d /service/electrumx # to stop
# see logs if all is good, should start syncing from dashd
tail -100f /var/log/electrumx/current
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