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Last active December 29, 2021 19:06
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Refactoring Procedural Code for a Product Filter
$SQL = "SELECT inv.*, COUNT(*) OVER() AS totalrows FROM stones inv WHERE wt >= 2.5";
if (isset($_POST["ItemSearch"])) $SQL .= "AND number LIKE '" . $_POST["ItemSearch"] . "%'";
if (isset($_POST["minimum_wt"], $_POST["maximum_wt"]) && !empty($_POST["minimum_wt"]) && !empty($_POST["maximum_wt"])) $SQL .= "AND wt BETWEEN '" . $_POST["minimum_wt"] . "' AND '" . $_POST["maximum_wt"] . "'";
if (isset($_POST["shape"])) {
$ShapeFilter = implode("','", $_POST["shape"]);
$SQL .= "AND stoneshape IN('" . $ShapeFilter . "')";
if (isset($_POST["color"])) {
$ColorFilter = implode("','", $_POST["color"]);
$SQL .= "AND stonecolor IN('" . $ColorFilter . "')";
if (isset($_POST["enhancement"])) {
$EnhancementFilter = implode("','", $_POST["enhancement"]);
$SQL .= "AND enhcode IN('" . $EnhancementFilter . "')";
if (isset($_POST["matching"])) {
$MatchingFilter = implode("','", $_POST["matching"]);
$SQL .= "AND pair IN('" . $MatchingFilter . "')";
// Pagination
$PageNo = $_REQUEST['PageNo']; // Get page number
$Limit = 25; // Items per page
$Offset = ($PageNo - 1) * $Limit; // Current page times the amount per page
$SQL .= "AND inactive LIKE 0 ORDER BY wt ASC LIMIT $Offset, $Limit;"; // $Offset and $Limit are declared in their respective variables
$MySQLiQuery = mysqli_query($db, $SQL); // Preform the query against the database
* Adds a filter to the query that uses a SQL IN() clause to match a series of fields
* @param string $filterColumnName The column for which the filter is being added
* @param array $filterValues Array of values used for the IN clause
* @param string[] $queryFilters Existing array of filter strings
* @param string[] $queryParams Associative array of parameters
* @return void
function addComplexFilter(string $filterColumnName, array $filterValues, array &$queryFilters, array &$queryParams): void
$filterString = $filterColumnName . ' IN(';
foreach ($filterValues as $index => $singleFilterValue) {
$filterValueKey = ":{$filterColumnName}_" . ($index + 1);
$filterString .= " $filterValueKey, ";
$queryParams[$filterValueKey] = $singleFilterValue;
$filterString = trim($filterString, ',') . ')';
$queryFilters[] = $filterString;
//Create the query filter with required where clauses and array for parameters
$queryFilters = ['inactive = 0', 'wt >= 2.5'];
$queryParams = [];
//Get the current page and calculate teh required pagination data
$page = isset($_REQUEST['PageNo']) && $_REQUEST['PageNo'] > 0 ? (int) $_REQUEST['PageNo'] : 1;
$limit = 25;
$offset = ($page - 1) * $limit;
//Handle single-value filters
if (isset($_POST['ItemSearch'])) {
$queryFilters[] = 'number LIKE :item_search';
$queryParams[':item_search'] = '%' . $_POST['ItemSearch'] . '%';
if (isset($_POST['minimum_wt'])) {
$queryFilters[] = 'wt >= :minimum_wt';
$queryParams[':minimum_wt'] = $_POST['minimum_wt'];
if (isset($_POST['maximum_wt'])) {
$queryFilters[] = 'wt <= :maximum_wt';
$queryParams[':maximum_wt'] = $_POST['maximum_wt'];
//Handle complex filters
if (isset($_POST['shape'])) {
addComplexFilter('stoneshape', $_POST['shape'], $queryFilters, $queryParams);
if (isset($_POST['color'])) {
addComplexFilter('stonecolor', $_POST['color'], $queryFilters, $queryParams);
if (isset($_POST['enhancement'])) {
addComplexFilter('enhcode', $_POST['enhancement'], $queryFilters, $queryParams);
if (isset($_POST['matching'])) {
addComplexFilter('pair', $_POST['matching'], $queryFilters, $queryParams);
//combine the individual filter elements into a single where clause
$filterClause = implode(' AND ', $queryFilters);
//create the query string
$queryString = <<<SQL
SELECT inv.*, COUNT(*) OVER() AS totalrows
FROM stones inv
WHERE $filterClause
LIMIT $offset, $limit
//execute the query
//while the original uses mysqli, I'm rewriting $db as a PDO instance
$query = $db->prepare($queryString);
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