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Last active October 30, 2022 17:42
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  • Save theredpea/e790ae6ce3db4d4c32f28fec4736e6cd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save theredpea/e790ae6ce3db4d4c32f28fec4736e6cd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
alert(`Hello Nate! Hope today's Beerfest was a success. So Elizabeth Johnson had signed up for a monthly membership but was double billed for both June and July for a total of $70. Can we reimburse her? Her Venmo account is @E.Johnson-2496. Thanks. Can you verify that she has cancelled her monthly membership? She now would like to pay month to month.`);
const squid_spond_clubid = "39004B1375F244F4AFECC14513031501"
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// ...application_json
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// spond-web-client-script.js:formatted
// SpondAttendanceSelectorController
// submit:
let group_attendance_list = await fetch(`${DENVER_SQUID_PRACTICES_GROUP.groupId}/sponds?expired=false&fromTimestamp=2019-01-01`, {
"headers": spond_headers,
}).then(_ => _.json());
let exportAttendanceBody = { spondIds: => _.spondId) };
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