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Created September 15, 2020 06:34
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A generic function for standardizing and centering explanatory variables in a table
create or replace function final.initial_center_standardize(schema_name text, table_name text, prefix text, column_names text[], pkey text)
returns text as
col text;
new_col_name text;
debug_string text;
-- loop through column names
foreach col in ARRAY column_names
-- Create the column
new_col_name := prefix || col;
-- EXECUTE starts the statement because we don't want to cache the plan since each iteration of the loop is new SQL
EXECUTE format('alter table %I.%I add column %I numeric', schema_name, table_name, new_col_name);
raise info 'After adding the column';
debug_string := FORMAT('with summary as ( select avg(%1$I) as avg, stddev(%1$I) as stddev from %3$I.%4$I), ' ||
'final_select as (%5$I, (%1$I - avg)/stddev as centered from %3$I.%4$I left join summary on true) ' ||
'update %3$I.%4$I set %2$I = final_select.centered from final_select where final_select.%5$I = %3$I.%4$I.%5$I ', col, new_col_name, schema_name, table_name, pkey)::text;
raise info ' Here is the string:: %', debug_string;
-- calculate the data
EXECUTE FORMAT('with summary as ( select avg(%1$I) as avg, stddev(%1$I) as stddev from %3$I.%4$I), ' ||
'final_select as (select %5$I, (%1$I - avg)/stddev as centered from %3$I.%4$I left join summary on true) ' ||
'update %3$I.%4$I set %2$I = final_select.centered from final_select where final_select.%5$I = %3$I.%4$I.%5$I ', col, new_col_name, schema_name, table_name, pkey);
return 'done';
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
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