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Created February 11, 2025 14:02
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Forward HDMI signal on FPGA in SystemVerilog
module hdmi_forward (
input logic clk, // System clock
input logic reset, // Asynchronous reset
// HDMI inputs
input logic [2:0] tmds_i_red,
input logic [2:0] tmds_i_green,
input logic [2:0] tmds_i_blue,
input logic hsync_i,
input logic vsync_i,
// Add other HDMI inputs as needed...
// HDMI outputs
output logic [2:0] tmds_o_red,
output logic [2:0] tmds_o_green,
output logic [2:0] tmds_o_blue,
output logic hsync_o,
output logic vsync_o
// Add other HDMI outputs as needed...
always_ff @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin
if (reset) begin
// Reset output signals to a known state
tmds_o_red <= 3'b0;
tmds_o_green <= 3'b0;
tmds_o_blue <= 3'b0;
hsync_o <= 1'b0;
vsync_o <= 1'b0;
end else begin
// Forward HDMI input signals to output signals
tmds_o_red <= tmds_i_red;
tmds_o_green <= tmds_i_green;
tmds_o_blue <= tmds_i_blue;
hsync_o <= hsync_i;
vsync_o <= vsync_i;
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