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Matheus Falcão theus

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cassiocardoso / select-estados-br
Created February 12, 2014 23:31
Select com uma lista de todos os estados brasileiros.
<select name="estados-brasil">
<option value="AC">Acre</option>
<option value="AL">Alagoas</option>
<option value="AP">Amapá</option>
<option value="AM">Amazonas</option>
<option value="BA">Bahia</option>
<option value="CE">Ceará</option>
<option value="DF">Distrito Federal</option>
<option value="ES">Espírito Santo</option>
<option value="GO">Goiás</option>
michaeldozark / cPanel Mime Types
Created January 24, 2014 17:21
Mime types list for cPanel GZIP compression
text/html text/plain text/xml text/css text/javascript application/javascript application/xhtml+xml application/xml application/rss+xml application/atom_xml application/x-javascript application/x-httpd-php application/x-httpd-fastphp application/x-httpd-eruby image/svg+xml
stephenharris / color_luminance.php
Created May 7, 2013 14:19
Lighten or darken a given colour
* Lightens/darkens a given colour (hex format), returning the altered colour in hex format.7
* @param str $hex Colour as hexadecimal (with or without hash);
* @percent float $percent Decimal ( 0.2 = lighten by 20%(), -0.4 = darken by 40%() )
* @return str Lightened/Darkend colour as hexadecimal (with hash);
function color_luminance( $hex, $percent ) {
// validate hex string
juanmhidalgo / js-toSlug.js
Created July 19, 2012 20:55
JavaScript toSlug()
String.prototype.toSlug = function(){
st = this.toLowerCase();
st = st.replace(/[\u00C0-\u00C5]/ig,'a')
st = st.replace(/[\u00C8-\u00CB]/ig,'e')
st = st.replace(/[\u00CC-\u00CF]/ig,'i')
st = st.replace(/[\u00D2-\u00D6]/ig,'o')
st = st.replace(/[\u00D9-\u00DC]/ig,'u')
st = st.replace(/[\u00D1]/ig,'n')
st = st.replace(/[^a-z0-9 ]+/gi,'')
st = st.trim().replace(/ /g,'-');
letanure / estados-cidades.json
Last active March 5, 2025 20:32
JSON estados cidades do brasil, dividido por estados. segunda lista atualizada em 2020, dados do IBGE
"estados": [
"sigla": "AC",
"nome": "Acre",
"cidades": [
"Assis Brasil",