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Last active July 26, 2021 11:11
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Git - Command line fundamentals

Terminal commands:

ls - lists all of the folders 
ls -la - lists all of the files 
cd .. - returns one dir back 
cd - enters a directory
. - just install in the current directory 

On initial install:

git --version - checks the version of the installed locally git
git config --global "Your Name" - sets up the name of the user 
git config --global "[email protected]" - sets up the mail of the user
git config --list - lists all the git configurations

For help on commands:

git help <verb> (e.g. git help config) OR 
git <verb> --help 

For initializing the project:

git init - initializes the git repo in the current folder
touch .gitignore - creates a git ignore file
git status - check working tree - both on the git and on local 

Add files:

git add -A - adds all of the files for commiting
remember - git status - to check the state of the repo 

Remove files:

git reset - removes files to be commited 
git reset somefile.js - removes somefile.js from the commit preparation


git commit -m "This is the commit message" - -m is used to add message

Check log:

git log - renders commit ids, authors, dates

Clone a remote repo:

git clone <url> <where to clone>

View info about the repo:

git remote -v - lists info about the repo
git branch -a - lists all of the branches

View changes:

git diff - shows the difference made in the files

Always pull before pushing:

git pull origin master

Then Push:

git push origin master - <origin> name of remote repo <master> the branch that we push to 

First time push of the branch:

git push -u origin <name of the branch> - -u coordinates the two branches (local and on server)

Create a branch:

git branch <name of the branch>

Checkout a branch:

git checkout <name of the branch>

Merge a branch:

git checkout master
git pull origin master
git branch --merged - see which branches are merged 
git merge <name of the branch you want to merge>
git push origin master 

Delete a branch:

git branch -d <name of the branch> - this deletes it locally!!!
git branch -a - check the repo branches 
git push origin --delete <name of the branch> - this deletes it from the repo!
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