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Sonu thevirtualbuddy

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thevirtualbuddy /
Last active July 26, 2021 11:11
Git - Command line fundamentals

Terminal commands:

ls - lists all of the folders 
ls -la - lists all of the files 
cd .. - returns one dir back 
cd - enters a directory
. - just install in the current directory 

On initial install:

git --version - checks the version of the installed locally git
git config --global "Your Name" - sets up the name of the user 
# Terminal Cheat Sheet
pwd # print working directory
ls # list files in directory
cd # change directory
~ # home directory
.. # up one directory
- # previous working directory
help # get help
-h # get help
thevirtualbuddy / GitEssential_TheBasics.txt
Created August 6, 2021 06:00
Git Essential Training: The Basics by LinkedIn Learning
# Git Essential: The Basics
* History:
1. SCSS - Source Code Control System
1972: closed source, free with Unix
Stored original version and sets of changes
2. RCS - Revision Control System
thevirtualbuddy / DevOpsVsSRE.txt
Last active October 27, 2023 19:38
Summary of the video DevOps Vs SRE by Google
DevOps Vs. SRE
DevOps Manifesto
1. Reduce Organizational Silos. (Cross-functionalities)
2. Accept Failure as Normal. (Be ready for failure and plan a backup)
3. Implement Gradual Change. (Deploy small incremental changes)
4. Leverage Tooling & Automation. (Automate repeatable things)
5. Measure everything.
Above are abstract ideas.
thevirtualbuddy / DevOps-Foundation.txt
Created August 7, 2021 12:06
A summary of DevOps Foundation by LinkedIn Learning.
## DevOps Foundations
* What is DevOps?
The practice of operations and development engineers participating together in the entire service lifecycle, from design through the development process of production support.
* The Five Levels of DevOps:
1. Values
2. Principles
3. Methods