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Created December 18, 2012 07:25
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What's New in ITK 4.3.0 Webinar

What's New in ITK 4.3.0


The 4.3.0 release is a major milestone that marks the hard work on many outstanding community members.


We are excited to announce that experimental DICOM image reading is available via the DCMTK library as a backend in addition to the GDCM library.

- By default, DCMTK ImageIO support is not enabled.

- To try DCMTK ImageIO support, turn the CMake option Module_ITKIODCMTK ON.

- For Unix platforms, the supporting DCMTK library will automatically be built as a CMake ExternalProject.  On Windows, the DCMTK library must be built independently of the ITK build system.   Then, specify the location to the external build after setting the CMake option ITK_USE_SYSTEM_DCMTK ON.


WrapITK has undergone extensive improvements and bug fixes.

- The status of WrapITK on various platforms can be found on the following Wiki page:

New Registration Features

A number of registration-related feature enhancements were added.

- The image registration methods have been updated to accommodate multiple image metrics within a single optimization scheme.

- This permits, for example, registration of a T1/T2 fixed image pair with a T1/T2 moving image pair using a single metric for both T1 and T2 gradients or even using two different metrics.

- New exponential transforms are available along with automated B-Spline transform scale estimation.

- A new physics-based non-rigid registration class is also available.

Third-party library updates

Updated third-party libraries include:

  • NrrdIO from Teem 1.11
  • libtiff 4.03
  • FFTW 3.3.2


A large number of important bugs were crushed, including fixes to

  • the ObjectFactoryBase,
  • Patch-Based Denoising improvements,
  • support for a system libtiff,
  • mesh processing,
  • and FFTW use.

itk::VectorImage support

itk::VectorImage is no longer a second-class citizen.

  • Support for the itk::VectorImage was added to many algorithms,
  • A single templated Adaptor class can now be applied without modification to both itk::VectorImage’s and itk::Image’s of itk::Vector’s, itk::RGBPixel’s, etc.

Clean code

An extensive amount of code cruft was removed and coding style was made more consistent; ITK gets more stylish and classy with every release!

Bigger, faster, now with memory alignment!

Performance optimizations were achieved by

  • Removing GetInput/GetOutput calls within filter inner loops,
  • Improving memory alignment,
  • Memory access pattern optimizations,
  • Parallelization through threading.

Bye, bye Visual Studio 2005

As previously scheduled, Visual Studio 2005 will no longer be supported after this release.

Thanks to all the contributors

  • Andreas Schuh
  • Andriy Kot
  • Arnaud Gelas
  • Baohua Wu
  • Bill Lorensen
  • Brad King
  • Bradley Lowekamp
  • Brian Avants
  • Brian Helba
  • Cory Quammen
  • David Doria
  • Dirk Padfield
  • Fotis Drakopoulos
  • Gang Song
  • Gordon Kindlmann
  • Hans Johnson
  • Ho Cheung

Thanks to all the contributors

  • Jean-Christophe Fillion-Robin
  • Jeffrey Duda
  • Kent Williams
  • Kris Zygmunt
  • Marius Staring
  • Matthew McCormick
  • Matthias Seise
  • Michael Stauffer
  • Nick Tustison
  • Paul Novotny
  • Richard Beare
  • Willi Huber
  • Xiaoxiao Liu
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