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Last active August 19, 2022 17:14
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Dealing with platform specific code

Sometimes you need to modifiy code depending on which target it is running in. Say you are writing a :browser app but parts of the code should also work in :react-native. The way I deal with this by abstracting out the relevant bits and either providing separate implementations of a protocol or just plain functions.

Interface code

;; shared ns that defines the "interface"
;; with actual implementation added later

(defonce runtime-ref (atom {})

(defprotocol HostSpecific
  (-something [impl foo bar]))

(defn something [foo bar]
  (-something (:impl @runtime-ref) foo bar))

(defn just-a-fn [foo bar]
  (let [actual (:just-a-fn @runtime-ref)]
    (actual foo bar))

Consumer of "interface" without knowing impl

  (:require [ :as env]))


(defn some-shared-fn [foo]
  (env/something foo (some-thing-shared)))

Main Host

only included in actual browser build (via :entries)

    [ :as env]
    [ :as shared]
    ["react-dom" :as x]))

(defn that-fn [foo bar]
  [::browser foo bar])) 

(defn init []
  (swap! env/runtime-ref assoc
    :just-a-fn that-fn
    :impl (reify env/HostSpecific
            (-something [_ foo bar]
              [::browser foo bar]))))

Other Host specific parts

    [ :as env]
    [ :as shared]
    ["react-native" :as x]))

(defn that-fn [foo bar]
  [::react-native foo bar])) 

(defn init []
  (swap! env/runtime-ref assoc
    :just-a-fn that-fn
    :impl (reify env/HostSpecific
            (-something [_ foo bar]
              [::react-native foo bar]))))
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