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Created September 13, 2017 16:21
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// IonianModeSpec.swift
// Notes
// Created by Thiago Lioy on 26/08/17.
// Copyright © 2017 com.tplioy. All rights reserved.
import Quick
import Nimble
@testable import Notes
class IonianModeSpec: QuickSpec {
override func spec() {
describe("Ionian Mode") {
var mode: IonianMode!
beforeEach {
mode = IonianMode(key: Note(name: .C, intonation: .natural))
it("should have the expected names") {
expect(mode.names.first!).to(equal("Ionian Mode"))
expect(mode.names.last!).to(equal("Major Scale"))
it("should have the expected intervals") {
context("C natural") {
it("should have the expected notes in key of C Natural") {
let key = Note(name: .C, intonation: .natural)
let notes = IonianMode(key: key).scaleNotes()
Note(name: .C, intonation: .natural),
Note(name: .D, intonation: .natural),
Note(name: .E, intonation: .natural),
Note(name: .F, intonation: .natural),
Note(name: .G, intonation: .natural),
Note(name: .A, intonation: .natural),
Note(name: .B, intonation: .natural),
Note(name: .C, intonation: .natural)
context("G natural") {
it("should have the expected notes in key of G Natural") {
let key = Note(name: .G, intonation: .natural)
let notes = IonianMode(key: key).scaleNotes()
Note(name: .G, intonation: .natural),
Note(name: .A, intonation: .natural),
Note(name: .B, intonation: .natural),
Note(name: .C, intonation: .natural),
Note(name: .D, intonation: .natural),
Note(name: .E, intonation: .natural),
Note(name: .F, intonation: .sharp),
Note(name: .G, intonation: .natural)
context("D natural") {
it("should have the expected notes in key of D Natural") {
let key = Note(name: .D, intonation: .natural)
let notes = IonianMode(key: key).scaleNotes()
Note(name: .D, intonation: .natural),
Note(name: .E, intonation: .natural),
Note(name: .F, intonation: .sharp),
Note(name: .G, intonation: .natural),
Note(name: .A, intonation: .natural),
Note(name: .B, intonation: .natural),
Note(name: .C, intonation: .sharp),
Note(name: .D, intonation: .natural)
context("A natural") {
it("should have the expected notes in key of A Natural") {
let key = Note(name: .A, intonation: .natural)
let notes = IonianMode(key: key).scaleNotes()
Note(name: .A, intonation: .natural),
Note(name: .B, intonation: .natural),
Note(name: .C, intonation: .sharp),
Note(name: .D, intonation: .natural),
Note(name: .E, intonation: .natural),
Note(name: .F, intonation: .sharp),
Note(name: .G, intonation: .sharp),
Note(name: .A, intonation: .natural)
context("E natural") {
it("should have the expected notes in key of E Natural") {
let key = Note(name: .E, intonation: .natural)
let notes = IonianMode(key: key).scaleNotes()
Note(name: .E, intonation: .natural),
Note(name: .F, intonation: .sharp),
Note(name: .G, intonation: .sharp),
Note(name: .A, intonation: .natural),
Note(name: .B, intonation: .natural),
Note(name: .C, intonation: .sharp),
Note(name: .D, intonation: .sharp),
Note(name: .E, intonation: .natural)
context("B natural") {
it("should have the expected notes in key of B Natural") {
let key = Note(name: .B, intonation: .natural)
let notes = IonianMode(key: key).scaleNotes()
Note(name: .B, intonation: .natural),
Note(name: .C, intonation: .sharp),
Note(name: .D, intonation: .sharp),
Note(name: .E, intonation: .natural),
Note(name: .F, intonation: .sharp),
Note(name: .G, intonation: .sharp),
Note(name: .A, intonation: .sharp),
Note(name: .B, intonation: .natural)
context("F sharp") {
it("should have the expected notes") {
let key = Note(name: .F, intonation: .sharp)
let notes = IonianMode(key: key).scaleNotes()
Note(name: .F, intonation: .sharp),
Note(name: .G, intonation: .sharp),
Note(name: .A, intonation: .sharp),
Note(name: .B, intonation: .natural),
Note(name: .C, intonation: .sharp),
Note(name: .D, intonation: .sharp),
Note(name: .E, intonation: .sharp),
Note(name: .F, intonation: .sharp)
context("G flat") {
it("should have the expected notes") {
let key = Note(name: .G, intonation: .flat)
let notes = IonianMode(key: key).scaleNotes()
Note(name: .G, intonation: .flat),
Note(name: .A, intonation: .flat),
Note(name: .B, intonation: .flat),
Note(name: .C, intonation: .flat),
Note(name: .D, intonation: .flat),
Note(name: .E, intonation: .flat),
Note(name: .F, intonation: .natural),
Note(name: .G, intonation: .flat)
context("D flat") {
it("should have the expected notes") {
let key = Note(name: .D, intonation: .flat)
let notes = IonianMode(key: key).scaleNotes()
Note(name: .D, intonation: .flat),
Note(name: .E, intonation: .flat),
Note(name: .F, intonation: .natural),
Note(name: .G, intonation: .flat),
Note(name: .A, intonation: .flat),
Note(name: .B, intonation: .flat),
Note(name: .C, intonation: .natural),
Note(name: .D, intonation: .flat)
context("A flat") {
it("should have the expected notes") {
let key = Note(name: .A, intonation: .flat)
let notes = IonianMode(key: key).scaleNotes()
Note(name: .A, intonation: .flat),
Note(name: .B, intonation: .flat),
Note(name: .C, intonation: .natural),
Note(name: .D, intonation: .flat),
Note(name: .E, intonation: .flat),
Note(name: .F, intonation: .natural),
Note(name: .G, intonation: .natural),
Note(name: .A, intonation: .flat)
context("E flat") {
it("should have the expected notes") {
let key = Note(name: .E, intonation: .flat)
let notes = IonianMode(key: key).scaleNotes()
Note(name: .E, intonation: .flat),
Note(name: .F, intonation: .natural),
Note(name: .G, intonation: .natural),
Note(name: .A, intonation: .flat),
Note(name: .B, intonation: .flat),
Note(name: .C, intonation: .natural),
Note(name: .D, intonation: .natural),
Note(name: .E, intonation: .flat)
context("B flat") {
it("should have the expected notes") {
let key = Note(name: .B, intonation: .flat)
let notes = IonianMode(key: key).scaleNotes()
Note(name: .B, intonation: .flat),
Note(name: .C, intonation: .natural),
Note(name: .D, intonation: .natural),
Note(name: .E, intonation: .flat),
Note(name: .F, intonation: .natural),
Note(name: .G, intonation: .natural),
Note(name: .A, intonation: .natural),
Note(name: .B, intonation: .flat)
context("F natural") {
it("should have the expected notes") {
let key = Note(name: .F, intonation: .natural)
let notes = IonianMode(key: key).scaleNotes()
Note(name: .F, intonation: .natural),
Note(name: .G, intonation: .natural),
Note(name: .A, intonation: .natural),
Note(name: .B, intonation: .flat),
Note(name: .C, intonation: .natural),
Note(name: .D, intonation: .natural),
Note(name: .E, intonation: .natural),
Note(name: .F, intonation: .natural)
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