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Created May 23, 2017 00:44
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  • Save thiagolioy/7e0da9e5c59abc9af1550c0c8a20dbec to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save thiagolioy/7e0da9e5c59abc9af1550c0c8a20dbec to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# just helper variables to use these values in a consistent way across whole file
currentSwiftVersion = "3.1.0"
# Change this to set a different Project file name = "Marvel"
# Replace this with your class prefix for Objective-C files.
# project.class_prefix = "APP"
project.organization = "TPLioy"
# By default Xcake defaults to creating the standard Debug and Release
# configurations, uncomment these lines to add your own.
#debug_configuration :Staging
#debug_configuration :Debug
#release_configuration :Release
# Change these to the platform you wish to support (ios, osx) and the
# version of that platform (8.0, 9.0, 10.10, 10.11)
application_for :ios, 10.0 do |target|
target.language = :swift
#Update these with the details of your app = "Marvel"
target.all_configurations.each { |c| c.product_bundle_identifier = "com.tpioy.marvelapp"}
# Uncomment to target iPhone devices only
# File patterns can be seen here
target.all_configurations.each { |c| c.supported_devices = :iphone_only}
# Uncomment this to include additional files
#target.include_files << "FolderToInclude/*.*"
# Uncomment this to exclude additional files
# File patterns can be seen here
#target.exclude_files << "ExcludeToInclude/*.*"
# Uncomment to set your own build settings
target.all_configurations.each do |c|
c.settings["SWIFT_VERSION"] = currentSwiftVersion
c.settings["INFOPLIST_FILE"] = "Marvel/Resources/Info.plist"
#target.all_configurations.each { |c| c.settings["GCC_PREFIX_HEADER"] = "APP-Prefix-Header.pch"}
#target.all_configurations.each { |c| c.settings["SWIFT_OBJC_BRIDGING_HEADER"] = "APP-Bridging-Header.h"}
# Uncomment to define your own preprocessor macros
#target.all_configurations.each { |c| c.preprocessor_definitions["API_ENDPOINT"] = "".to_obj_c}
#Configure schemes
target.scheme( do |scheme|
# Defaults Values
# scheme.test_configuration = :debug
# scheme.launch_configuration = :debug
# scheme.archive_configuration = :release
# Configure Build phases
target.shell_script_build_phase "[CP] Check Pods Manifest.lock", <<-SCRIPT
diff "${PODS_ROOT}/../Podfile.lock" "${PODS_ROOT}/Manifest.lock" > /dev/null
if [ $? != 0 ] ; then
# print error to STDERR
echo "error: The sandbox is not in sync with the Podfile.lock. Run 'pod install' or update your CocoaPods installation." >&2
exit 1
target.shell_script_build_phase "[CP] Embed Pods Frameworks", <<-SCRIPT
"${SRCROOT}/Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-Marvel/"
target.shell_script_build_phase "[CP] Copy Pods Resources", <<-SCRIPT
"${SRCROOT}/Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-Marvel/"
target.shell_script_build_phase "SwiftGen Images", <<-SCRIPT
"${PODS_ROOT}/SwiftGen/bin/swiftgen" images -t swift3 "${SRCROOT}/Marvel/Resources/Assets.xcassets" --output "${SOURCE_ROOT}/Marvel/Resources/ImageAssets.swift" --enumName ImageAssets
# Comment to remove Unit Tests for your app
unit_tests_for target do |test_target| = "MarvelTests"
test_target.include_files = ["MarvelTests/**/*.*"]
test_target.all_configurations.each do |c|
c.settings["SWIFT_VERSION"] = currentSwiftVersion
# configure any other target-related properties
# as you would do with application target
# Uncomment to create a Watch App for your application.
#watch_app_for target, 2.0
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