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Last active January 30, 2019 00:07
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Aux Pattern

// the trait
def foo[A, B, R](implicit foo: Foo.Aux[A, B], monoid: Monoid[R], ev: B =:= R): R = ???

// boilerplate for the Aux
trait Foo[A] {
  type B
  def bar: B

object Foo {
  type Aux[A, B0] = Foo[A] { type B = B0 }

Monad laws

trait Monad[F[_]] {
  def pure[A](a: A): F[A]
  def flatMap[A, B](fa: F[A])(f: A => F[B]): F[B]

pure(a).flatMap(f)         === f(a)
m.flatMap(pure)            === m
m.flatMap(g).flatMap(h)    === m.flatMap(b => g(b).flatMap(h))

Ad-hoc polymorphism -> C# extensions methods

// definition
trait Show[A]{
  def format(value: A): String

// implementations
object ShowInstances {
  implicit val stringPrintable = new Show[String] { 
      def format(value: String) = "s show: " ++ value
  implicit val stringPrintable = new Show[String] { 
    def format(value: Int) = "i show: " ++ value
  1. exposing through interface object
object Printer {
  def format[A](value: A)
    (implicit printer: Show[A]): String = {
  def print[A](value: A)(implicit printer: Show[A]): Unit = {

import ShowInstance._
Printer.print("foo") -> s show: foo
Printer.print(42) -> s show: 42
  1. exposing using type enrichement, c# extensions methods
object ShowSyntax {
  implicit class ShowOps[A](value: A) {
    def format[A](implicit printer: Show[A]): String = {
    def print[A](implicit printer: Show[A]): Unit = {

import ShowInstance._
"foo".print // = ShowOps("foo").print(impl. printer)


def f(x: Int): Option[Int] = if (x == 0) None else Some(x)

f(0) // None
f(1) // Some(2)


Pattern matching

  match {
    case 100 => "One hundred"
    case _ => "Unknown value" 

Initial Class Generic Value

class Default[A] {
  val a: A = _
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