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Last active January 12, 2017 22:03
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  • Save thierryx96/e7d4b25e975a978c913b81d0d05152ae to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save thierryx96/e7d4b25e975a978c913b81d0d05152ae to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
GitHub Helpers
$token = ""
$org = "acme"
$gitRepoUri = "$org/repos?access_token=$token"
$workdir = "C:/backup/git"
$git = "C:\Program Files\Git\cmd\git.exe"
$branches = "master","develop" # branches to zip
#$filter = "Team"; # leave empty if all repo
#restore :
# 1) go to the folder (.git)
# 2) create the repo on github
# 3) git remote set-url origin [email protected]:<username>/<repo>.git (git remote set-url origin<username>/<repo>.git)
#import-module $awsS3Module
mkdir $workdir -Force
$data = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $gitRepoUri
New-Item -path $profile -type file –force
foreach ($repo in $data)
if(($filter.Length -gt 0) -And !($$filter))){
Write-Output("skip : " + $
Write-Output("Starting backup for github repository: " + $
## create the repo backup dir (or remove)
$codeDir = "$workdir/" + $
If (Test-Path $codeDir){
Remove-Item $codeDir -Recurse -Force
mkdir $codeDir -Force
cd $codeDir
## backup source code (zip /develop and /master from github)
$codeUrl = $repo.clone_url
$gitCodeCommand = "clone --bare $codeUrl"
foreach ($branch in $branches)
Write-Output("Download zip for branch: " + $branch + " to " + $codeDir + "/" + $branch + ".zip")
$zipMasterCodeUri = $repo.url + "/zipball/" + $branch
try {
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $zipMasterCodeUri -Headers @{"Authorization" = "token $token"} -OutFile ($codeDir + "/" + $branch + ".zip")
} catch {
# brnach not found,
if($_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.value__ = 404){
Write-Output ("branch " + $branch + " not found (" + $_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.value__ + ")")
throw $_.Exception;
# Backup the whole git repo (metadata, code, branches, commits ... )
Write-Output "Backup $codeUrl code into $codeDir"
Write-Output $gitCodeCommand
Start-Process -FilePath $git -ArgumentList $gitCodeCommand -Wait -NoNewWindow;
## backup the git repo wiki
$wikiDir = "$workdir/" + $
$wikiUrl = $repo.clone_url.Replace(".git", ".wiki.git")
$gitWikiCommand = "clone --bare $wikiUrl"
Write-Output "Backup $wikiUrl wiki into $wikiDir"
cd $wikiDir
Start-Process -FilePath $git -ArgumentList $gitWikiCommand -Wait -NoNewWindow;
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