2016-11-05 VimConf 2016 thinca
- thinca
- Twitter: @thinca
- GitHub: thinca
- I've been publishing many Vim plugins
There are many Vim plugins in the World
However, many plugins have problem
This session teaches the tips to build a better Vim plugin
Documentation is culture of Vim
:help design-documented
- This should also apply to plugin
README is not enough
- It isn't possible to read from the inside in Vim
All plugins work on the same environment
UI you provide may conflict with other plugins
- Ex commands
- Key mappings
- Functions
- Variables
These namespaces do NOT belong to you!
When your plugin name is very_cool.vim
User can define shortcut when they feel "command is too long"
Unfortunately, there are no ways to avoid perfectly
Googling of a candidate of your new plugin name before you decide it
Environment of each interface is shared in Vim
When you defined a global class/function in these interfaces, other plugin would also be affected
Also use appropriate namespace in these interfaces
Users install many plugins
Does your plugin make Vim's startup slow?
is loaded at startup of Vim- When this is heavy, a start of Vim becomes slow
defines UI only- Ex commands
- Key mappings
- Auto commands
These calls autoload function
- Lazy loading of the Vim script
- This makes Vim's startup fast
- Don't load autoload at startup of Vim
- Clear-cut namespace
- Functions are put in the namespace inevitably
function! very_cool#feature() abort
Vim plugin users like customization
- So they use plugins
:help design-flexible
To provide option is a good idea
- Using a global variable is good way for this
You don't have to do excessively
This has clear-cut namespace
User can read a default value if it is needed
- However, can't benefit from lazy loading
let g:very_cool#useful_config = 1
Do not use global variable to provide key-mappings configuration
- The user can assign only 1 trigger key
can provide more flexible
nnoremap <silent> <Plug>(very_cool-action)
\ :call very_cool#action()<CR>
You can provide original buffer from plugin
- Use
- Use form like
is handled and specialized by Vim
- Use
is not that good- This can not open by other way
Many things has the scope
- Variables
- Options
- Key mappings
- Auto commands
Use buffer-local in original buffer
Vim has builtin key mappings
- E.g.
= Move the cursor
- E.g.
Do not make the mapping which isn't intuitive
- User would be confused
for original feature
Combination is beautiful
You should provide API function to user and other plugins if you can
When you can't determine, provide function version of Ex command
Vim works on multi platform
:help design-multi-platform
If your plugin works on multi-platform, users become happy
To write a test would be helpful to you
Shortcut version is provided for interactive use
Do not use these at script file
Introduced many tips for building Vim plugins
I wish that good Vim plugins increase by all over the world
I'm happy if this document helps it