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Last active August 29, 2015 14:14
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Save thirdknife/0d456fa128b4a2b03379 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
require_once(APPPATH . '/libraries/TSBAuth.php');
require_once(APPPATH . '/libraries/DeviceDetect.php');
class Messages extends REST_Controller {
var $requestUser = null;
public static $DEVICE ;
function __construct() {
Messages::$DEVICE = DeviceDetect::browser();
Messages::$DEVICE = Messages::$DEVICE['browser'];
private function isArgument($i, $name, $count, $arguments) {
if ($count > $i) {
$argumentName = $arguments[$i];
if ($argumentName == $name) {
return true;
else {
return false;
else {
return false;
private function getArgument($i, $count, $arguments) {
if ($count > $i) {
$argumentVal = $arguments[$i];
return $argumentVal;
else {
return null;
private function sendUnauthorizedResponse() {
* Only for the time being, let the server
* redirect it
* But eventually, client should be doing the
* redirection
header("Location: /signin.html");
// $this->response(array("error" => "not authorized"));
private function sendWrongArgumentsResponse() {
$this->response(array("error" => "Invalid input parameters"));
protected function early_checks()
if (isset($_COOKIE['tsat'])) {
$user = json_decode($_COOKIE['user']);
if (isset($user->id) && $user->id) {
if (TSBAuth::isAuthorized($_COOKIE['tsat'])) {
$this->requestUser = $user;
} else {
} else {
} else {
public function urgent_post() {
$response = new stdClass();
if ($this->userdb->getFeatureUrgent($this->requestUser->business->neighborhood->id)) {
$message = $this->post('message');
if (!$message) {
if ($this->userdb->isAdmin($this->requestUser->id)) {
if (strlen($message) > 110) {
$response->err = 1;
$response->status = 0;
$response->message = "Message length should be smaller than 110 characters";
else {
// post message
try {
if (FeatureToggles::isDemo()) {
$response->err = 0;
$response->status = 1;
$response->message = "Urgent alert sent";
else {
$data = new stdClass();
$data->nids = array($this->requestUser->business->neighborhood->id);
$data->message = $message;
$data = json_encode($data);
$ch = curl_init();
CURLOPT_URL, URGENT_SERVICE_URL . "message?uid=" . $this->requestUser->id . "&at=" . URGENT_SERVICE_TOKEN
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array(
'Content-Type: application/json',
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);
$out = curl_exec($ch);
$res = json_decode($out);
if (isset($res->message) && $res->message = "Message Posted") {
// post message
// for feed post type urgent - share with all users
$sharing['staff']['owners'] = 1;
$sharing['staff']['managers'] = 1;
$sharing['staff']['employees'] = 1;
$sharing['networks']['neighborhood'] = 1;
$sharing['networks']['connections'] = 0;
$sharing['networks']['business'] = 0;
$subject = "Urgent Alert";
// Tag with urgent message post
$tags = array('11');
$message = $this->feedsdb->postMessage(
/*$this->requestUser->getId()*/ $this->requestUser->id,
/*$this->requestUser->getBusiness()->getId()*/ $this->requestUser->business->id,
$sharing, $subject, $message, $tags, 0, null,
$response->err = 0;
$response->status = 1;
$response->message = "Urgent alert sent";
$response->feed_snippet = $message;
else {
throw new Exception;
} catch(Exception $e) {
$response->err = 1;
$response->status = 0;
$response->message = "There was an error contacting the urgent app server";
else {
$response->err = 1;
$response->status = 0;
$response->message = "Only admin users can post urgent alerts";
else {
$response->err = 1;
$response->status = 0;
$response->message = "This feature is not enabled for your neighborhood yet";
* @input
* to: {users: [id], businesses: [id]} OR null OR '' OR {} (only when thread is null)
* subject (only when thread is null): string
* message: string
* thread: id OR null (null signifies a new thread)
* picture: url of the picture OR null
public function index_post() {
$to = $this->post('to');
$subject = $this->post('subject');
$message = $this->post('message');
$thread = $this->post('thread');
$picture = $this->post('picture');
$files = $this->post('files');
$fileName = $this->post('fileName');
$threadId = null;
if (!$subject) {
$subject = '<no subject>';
* "message" is mandatory
* "thread" id signifies a previously started thread, so "to" and "subject" cannot exist with "thread"
* but one of them must be present
if (
(!$message) ||
($to && $thread) ||
(!$to && !$thread)
) {
else {
if ($to) {
// convert $to array to $to object
$to = json_decode($to);
if (!$to->users && !$to->businesses) {
// $this->sendWrongArgumentsResponse();
// #log private message created
$this->userdb->logEvent(15, $this->requestUser->id,
$this->requestUser->business->id, Messages::$DEVICE) ;
// create a new thread
$threadId = $this->messagedb->createMessageThread(
$threadSnippet = $this->messagedb->getThreadSnippetById($threadId, $this->requestUser->id);
if (isset($files) && $files && isset($fileName) && $fileName && $files!="undefined" && $fileName!="undefined") {
$uploadPath = "uploads/private_messages/";
$fileName = $threadId . $fileName;
if (!file_exists($uploadPath)) {
$oldumask = umask(0);
mkdir($uploadPath, 0777, true);
$uploadPath . $fileName) ;
$this->messagedb->addMessageImage($threadId, $fileName);
"status" => 1,
"threadId" => $threadId,
"threadSnippet" => $threadSnippet
"status" => 1,
"threadId" => $threadId,
"threadSnippet" => $threadSnippet
else if ($thread) {
// convert thread to int
$thread = intval($thread);
// #log private message replied
$this->userdb->logEvent(16, $this->requestUser->id,
$this->requestUser->business->id, Messages::$DEVICE) ;
// reply to an already started thread
$timeOfMessage = time();
$message = $this->messagedb->replyToMessageThread(
// #log private message replied
$this->userdb->logEvent(16, $this->requestUser->id,
$this->requestUser->business->id, Messages::$DEVICE) ;
if (isset($files) && $files && isset($fileName) && $fileName && $files!="undefined" && $fileName!="undefined") {
$uploadPath = "uploads/private_messages/";
$fileName = $thread . $fileName;
if (!file_exists($uploadPath)) {
$oldumask = umask(0);
mkdir($uploadPath, 0777, true);
$uploadPath . $fileName) ;
$this->messagedb->addMessageReplyImage($message['messages'][0]->message_id, $fileName);
$message = $this->messagedb->getMessagesOfThread($thread,
"status" => 1,
"message" => $message,
"status" => 1,
"message" => $message,
else {
* get list of threads for a current user
* custom limit will only be applied if offset is
* supplied otherwise limit will default to 10
* @input for no id provided
* l = limit
* o = offset_ts in unix_timestamp
* gets current user from cookies
* @input for id
* l = limit
* r = only get messages which are newer than r (unix_timestamp)
* o = if o=1, only get messages which are older than r
public function threads_get() {
$count = func_num_args();
$arguments = func_get_args();
// get messages for a specific ID
if ($this->isArgument(0, "id", $count, $arguments)) {
// process input
$limit = $this->get('l');
$readTs = $this->get('r');
$older = $this->get('o');
// if limit and readTs and older provided
// get messages older than readTs
// and limit them up to limit
if ($limit && $readTs && $older) {
$response = $this->messagedb->getMessagesOfThread(
$this->getArgument(1, $count, $arguments),
// if limit and readTs provided
// get messages newer than readTs
// and limit them up to limit
else if ($limit && $readTs) {
$response = $this->messagedb->getMessagesOfThread(
$this->getArgument(1, $count, $arguments),
else {
$response = $this->messagedb->getMessagesOfThread(
$this->getArgument(1, $count, $arguments),
// get all threads for a user
else {
$limit = $this->get('l');
$offsetTs = $this->get('o');
if ($limit && $offsetTs) {
$threads = $this->messagedb->getMessageThreadsOfUser(
else {
$threads = $this->messagedb->getMessageThreadsOfUser(
public function threads_post() {
$count = func_num_args();
$arguments = func_get_args();
$threadId = $this->getArgument(1, $count, $arguments);
// all implemented operations require $threadId
if (!$threadId) {
if ($this->isArgument(2, "delete", $count, $arguments)) {
// delete the thread for this user
$response = $this->messagedb->deleteThread(
else {
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