#include <dlfcn.h> |
#include <stdio.h> |
#include <stdlib.h> |
#include <string.h> |
#include <iostream> |
#include "c_api.h" |
void free_buffer(void* data, size_t length) { free(data); } |
void deallocator(void* ptr, size_t len, void* arg) { free(ptr); } |
int main() { |
FILE* f = fopen("./exported/graph.pb", "rb"); |
fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END); |
long fsize = ftell(f); |
fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET); |
void* data = malloc(fsize); |
fread(data, fsize, 1, f); |
fclose(f); |
void* tf_handle = dlopen("libtensorflow.so", RTLD_NOW); |
if (!tf_handle) { |
std::cerr << "Error: " << dlerror() << std::endl; |
return EXIT_FAILURE; |
} |
// TF_NewBuffer |
TF_Buffer* (*TF_NewBuffer)(void); |
TF_NewBuffer = (TF_Buffer * (*)(void)) dlsym(tf_handle, "TF_NewBuffer"); |
// TF_DeleteBuffer |
void (*TF_DeleteBuffer)(TF_Buffer*); |
TF_DeleteBuffer = (void (*)(TF_Buffer*))dlsym(tf_handle, "TF_DeleteBuffer"); |
// TF_NewGraph |
TF_Graph* (*TF_NewGraph)(void); |
TF_NewGraph = (TF_Graph * (*)(void)) dlsym(tf_handle, "TF_NewGraph"); |
// TF_DeleteGraph |
void (*TF_DeleteGraph)(TF_Graph*); |
TF_DeleteGraph = (void (*)(TF_Graph*))dlsym(tf_handle, "TF_DeleteGraph"); |
// TF_NewStatus |
TF_Status* (*TF_NewStatus)(void); |
TF_NewStatus = (TF_Status * (*)(void)) dlsym(tf_handle, "TF_NewStatus"); |
// TF_DeleteStatus |
void (*TF_DeleteStatus)(TF_Status*); |
TF_DeleteStatus = (void (*)(TF_Status*))dlsym(tf_handle, "TF_DeleteStatus"); |
// TF_NewImportGraphDefOptions |
TF_ImportGraphDefOptions* (*TF_NewImportGraphDefOptions)(void); |
TF_NewImportGraphDefOptions = (TF_ImportGraphDefOptions * (*)(void)) |
dlsym(tf_handle, "TF_NewImportGraphDefOptions"); |
// TF_DeleteImportGraphDefOptions |
void (*TF_DeleteImportGraphDefOptions)(TF_ImportGraphDefOptions*); |
TF_DeleteImportGraphDefOptions = (void (*)(TF_ImportGraphDefOptions*))dlsym( |
tf_handle, "TF_DeleteImportGraphDefOptions"); |
// TF_GetCode |
TF_Code (*TF_GetCode)(const TF_Status*); |
TF_GetCode = (TF_Code(*)(const TF_Status*))dlsym(tf_handle, "TF_GetCode"); |
// TF_Message |
const char* (*TF_Message)(const TF_Status* s); |
TF_Message = |
(const char* (*)(const TF_Status*))dlsym(tf_handle, "TF_Message"); |
// TF_GraphImportGraphDef |
void (*TF_GraphImportGraphDef)(TF_Graph * graph, const TF_Buffer* graph_def, |
const TF_ImportGraphDefOptions* options, |
TF_Status* status); |
TF_GraphImportGraphDef = |
(void (*)(TF_Graph*, const TF_Buffer*, const TF_ImportGraphDefOptions*, |
TF_Status*))dlsym(tf_handle, "TF_GraphImportGraphDef"); |
// TF_NewSessionOptions |
TF_SessionOptions* (*TF_NewSessionOptions)(void); |
TF_NewSessionOptions = |
(TF_SessionOptions * (*)(void)) dlsym(tf_handle, "TF_NewSessionOptions"); |
// TF_DeleteSessionOptions |
void (*TF_DeleteSessionOptions)(TF_SessionOptions*); |
TF_DeleteSessionOptions = |
(void (*)(TF_SessionOptions*))dlsym(tf_handle, "TF_DeleteSessionOptions"); |
// TF_NewSession |
TF_Session* (*TF_NewSession)(TF_Graph*, const TF_SessionOptions*, TF_Status*); |
TF_NewSession = |
(TF_Session * (*)(TF_Graph*, const TF_SessionOptions*, TF_Status*)) |
dlsym(tf_handle, "TF_NewSession"); |
// TF_CloseSession |
void (*TF_CloseSession)(TF_Session*, TF_Status*); |
TF_CloseSession = |
(void (*)(TF_Session*, TF_Status*))dlsym(tf_handle, "TF_CloseSession"); |
// TF_DeleteSession |
void (*TF_DeleteSession)(TF_Session*, TF_Status*); |
TF_DeleteSession = |
(void (*)(TF_Session*, TF_Status*))dlsym(tf_handle, "TF_DeleteSession"); |
// TF_GraphOperationByName |
TF_Operation* (*TF_GraphOperationByName)(TF_Graph*, const char*); |
TF_GraphOperationByName = (TF_Operation * (*)(TF_Graph*, const char*)) |
dlsym(tf_handle, "TF_GraphOperationByName"); |
// TF_OperationOpType |
const char* (*TF_OperationOpType)(TF_Operation*); |
TF_OperationOpType = |
(const char* (*)(TF_Operation*))dlsym(tf_handle, "TF_OperationOpType"); |
// TF_SessionRun |
void (*TF_SessionRun)(TF_Session*, const TF_Buffer*, const TF_Output*, |
TF_Tensor* const*, int, const TF_Output*, TF_Tensor**, |
int, const TF_Operation* const*, int, TF_Buffer*, |
TF_Status*); |
TF_SessionRun = (void (*)( |
TF_Session*, const TF_Buffer*, const TF_Output*, TF_Tensor* const*, int, |
const TF_Output*, TF_Tensor**, int, const TF_Operation* const*, int, |
TF_Buffer*, TF_Status*))dlsym(tf_handle, "TF_SessionRun"); |
// TF_StringEncodedSize |
size_t (*TF_StringEncodedSize)(size_t); |
TF_StringEncodedSize = |
(size_t(*)(size_t))dlsym(tf_handle, "TF_StringEncodedSize"); |
// TF_StringEncode |
size_t (*TF_StringEncode)(const char*, size_t, char*, size_t, TF_Status*); |
TF_StringEncode = (size_t(*)(const char*, size_t, char*, size_t, |
TF_Status*))dlsym(tf_handle, "TF_StringEncode"); |
// TF_NewTensor |
TF_Tensor* (*TF_NewTensor)(TF_DataType, const int64_t*, int, void*, size_t, |
void (*deallocator)(void*, size_t, void*), void*); |
TF_NewTensor = |
(TF_Tensor * (*)(TF_DataType, const int64_t*, int, void*, size_t, |
void (*deallocator)(void*, size_t, void*), void*)) |
dlsym(tf_handle, "TF_NewTensor"); |
// TF_TensorData |
void* (*TF_TensorData)(const TF_Tensor*); |
TF_TensorData = |
(void* (*)(const TF_Tensor*))dlsym(tf_handle, "TF_TensorData"); |
// TF_NumDims |
int (*TF_NumDims)(const TF_Tensor*); |
TF_NumDims = (int (*)(const TF_Tensor*))dlsym(tf_handle, "TF_NumDims"); |
// TF_Dim |
int64_t (*TF_Dim)(const TF_Tensor*, int); |
TF_Dim = (int64_t(*)(const TF_Tensor*, int))dlsym(tf_handle, "TF_Dim"); |
// TF_DeleteTensor |
void (*TF_DeleteTensor)(TF_Tensor*); |
TF_DeleteTensor = (void (*)(TF_Tensor*))dlsym(tf_handle, "TF_DeleteTensor"); |
// TF_OperationNumOutputs |
int (*TF_OperationNumOutputs)(TF_Operation*); |
TF_OperationNumOutputs = |
(int (*)(TF_Operation*))dlsym(tf_handle, "TF_OperationNumOutputs"); |
TF_Buffer* graph_def = TF_NewBuffer(); |
graph_def->data = data; |
graph_def->length = fsize; |
graph_def->data_deallocator = free_buffer; |
TF_Graph* graph = TF_NewGraph(); |
TF_Status* status = TF_NewStatus(); |
TF_ImportGraphDefOptions* opts = TF_NewImportGraphDefOptions(); |
TF_GraphImportGraphDef(graph, graph_def, opts, status); |
TF_DeleteImportGraphDefOptions(opts); |
TF_DeleteBuffer(graph_def); |
if (TF_GetCode(status) != TF_OK) { |
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Unable to import graph %s\n", TF_Message(status)); |
return 1; |
} |
fprintf(stdout, "Successfully imported graph\n"); |
// create session |
TF_SessionOptions* opt = TF_NewSessionOptions(); |
TF_Session* sess = TF_NewSession(graph, opt, status); |
TF_DeleteSessionOptions(opt); |
if (TF_GetCode(status) != TF_OK) { |
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Unable to create session %s\n", TF_Message(status)); |
return 1; |
} |
fprintf(stdout, "Successfully created session\n"); |
// run init operation |
const TF_Operation* init_op = TF_GraphOperationByName(graph, "init"); |
const TF_Operation* const* targets_ptr = &init_op; |
TF_SessionRun(sess, |
/* RunOptions */ NULL, |
/* Input tensors */ NULL, NULL, 0, |
/* Output tensors */ NULL, NULL, 0, |
/* Target operations */ targets_ptr, 1, |
/* RunMetadata */ NULL, |
/* Output status */ status); |
if (TF_GetCode(status) != TF_OK) { |
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Unable to run init_op: %s\n", TF_Message(status)); |
return 1; |
} |
TF_Operation* checkpoint_op = TF_GraphOperationByName(graph, "save/Const"); |
const TF_Operation* const restore_op = |
TF_GraphOperationByName(graph, "save/restore_all"); |
const char* checkpoint_path_str = "./exported/model"; |
size_t checkpoint_path_str_len = strlen(checkpoint_path_str); |
size_t encoded_size = TF_StringEncodedSize(checkpoint_path_str_len); |
// The format for TF_STRING tensors is: |
// start_offset: array[uint64] |
// data: byte[...] |
size_t total_size = sizeof(int64_t) + encoded_size; |
char* input_encoded = (char*)malloc(total_size); |
memset(input_encoded, 0, total_size); |
TF_StringEncode(checkpoint_path_str, checkpoint_path_str_len, |
input_encoded + sizeof(int64_t), encoded_size, status); |
if (TF_GetCode(status) != TF_OK) { |
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: something wrong with encoding: %s", |
TF_Message(status)); |
return 1; |
} |
TF_Tensor* path_tensor = TF_NewTensor(TF_STRING, NULL, 0, input_encoded, |
total_size, &deallocator, 0); |
TF_Output* run_path = (TF_Output*)malloc(1 * sizeof(TF_Output)); |
run_path[0].oper = checkpoint_op; |
run_path[0].index = 0; |
TF_Tensor** run_path_tensors = (TF_Tensor**)malloc(1 * sizeof(TF_Tensor*)); |
run_path_tensors[0] = path_tensor; |
TF_SessionRun(sess, |
/* RunOptions */ NULL, |
/* Input tensors */ run_path, run_path_tensors, 1, |
/* Output tensors */ NULL, NULL, 0, |
/* Target operations */ &restore_op, 1, |
/* RunMetadata */ NULL, |
/* Output status */ status); |
if (TF_GetCode(status) != TF_OK) { |
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Unable to run restore_op: %s\n", |
TF_Message(status)); |
return 1; |
} |
TF_DeleteTensor(path_tensor); |
free(run_path); |
free(run_path_tensors); |
// gerenate input |
TF_Operation* input_op = TF_GraphOperationByName(graph, "input_x"); |
printf("input_op has %i inputs\n", TF_OperationNumOutputs(input_op)); |
float* raw_input_data = (float*)malloc(10 * sizeof(float)); |
raw_input_data[0] = 1.0f; |
raw_input_data[1] = 6.1f; |
raw_input_data[2] = 2.8f; |
raw_input_data[3] = 4.7f; |
raw_input_data[4] = 1.2f; |
raw_input_data[5] = 1.0f; |
raw_input_data[6] = 5.7f; |
raw_input_data[7] = 3.8f; |
raw_input_data[8] = 1.7f; |
raw_input_data[9] = 0.3f; |
int64_t* raw_input_dims = (int64_t*)malloc(2 * sizeof(int64_t)); |
raw_input_dims[0] = 2; |
raw_input_dims[1] = 5; |
// prepare inputs |
TF_Tensor* input_tensor = |
TF_NewTensor(TF_FLOAT, raw_input_dims, 2, raw_input_data, |
10 * sizeof(float), &deallocator, NULL); |
TF_Output* run_inputs = (TF_Output*)malloc(1 * sizeof(TF_Output)); |
run_inputs[0].oper = input_op; |
run_inputs[0].index = 0; |
TF_Tensor** run_inputs_tensors = (TF_Tensor**)malloc(1 * sizeof(TF_Tensor*)); |
run_inputs_tensors[0] = input_tensor; |
// prepare outputs |
TF_Operation* output_op = TF_GraphOperationByName(graph, "yhat"); |
printf("output_op has %i outputs\n", TF_OperationNumOutputs(output_op)); |
printf("TF_OperationOpType %s\n", TF_OperationOpType(output_op)); |
TF_Output* run_outputs = (TF_Output*)malloc(1 * sizeof(TF_Output)); |
run_outputs[0].oper = output_op; |
run_outputs[0].index = 0; |
TF_Tensor** run_output_tensors = (TF_Tensor**)malloc(1 * sizeof(TF_Tensor*)); |
// run network |
TF_SessionRun(sess, |
/* RunOptions */ NULL, |
/* Input tensors */ run_inputs, run_inputs_tensors, 1, |
/* Output tensors */ run_outputs, run_output_tensors, 1, |
/* Target operations */ NULL, 0, |
/* RunMetadata */ NULL, |
/* Output status */ status); |
if (TF_GetCode(status) != TF_OK) { |
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Unable to run output_op: %s\n", TF_Message(status)); |
return 1; |
} |
printf("output-tensor has %i dims\n", TF_NumDims(run_output_tensors[0])); |
std::cout << "dim[0]: " << TF_Dim(run_output_tensors[0], 0) << std::endl; |
std::cout << "dim[1]: " << TF_Dim(run_output_tensors[0], 1) << std::endl; |
void* output_data = TF_TensorData(run_output_tensors[0]); |
printf("output %f\n", ((float*)output_data)[0]); |
printf("output %f\n", ((float*)output_data)[1]); |
printf("output %f\n", ((float*)output_data)[2]); |
printf("output %f\n", ((float*)output_data)[3]); |
printf("output %f\n", ((float*)output_data)[4]); |
printf("output %f\n", ((float*)output_data)[5]); |
// clean up the sess and graph |
TF_CloseSession(sess, status); |
TF_DeleteSession(sess, status); |
TF_DeleteStatus(status); |
TF_DeleteGraph(graph); |
// cleanup the tensor for input/output |
TF_DeleteTensor(input_tensor); |
free(raw_input_dims); |
free(run_inputs); |
free(run_inputs_tensors); |
TF_DeleteTensor(run_output_tensors[0]); |
free(run_outputs); |
free(run_output_tensors); |
return 0; |
} |