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Created May 19, 2023 06:22
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import { create } from "zustand";
import { subscribeWithSelector } from "zustand/middleware";
import { StoreActions } from "@core/stores/types";
import {
} from "../../services";
import { AXFDGDataItem, AXFDGDataItemStatus } from "@axframe/datagrid";
import { fileDownload } from "../../utils";
import { CustomError } from "../../@core/services/CustomError";
interface States {
bizTitle?: BizTitle;
listRequestValue: GetBizSurveyRequest;
bizSurveyListData: AXFDGDataItem<BizSurvey>[];
listColWidths: number[];
bizTitleSpinning: boolean;
bizSurveyListSpinning: boolean;
listCheckedRowIds: string[];
interface Actions {
init: (id: string) => void;
reset: () => void;
callBizTitle: (apiParams: GetBizTitleViewRequest) => Promise<void>;
callBizSurvey: () => Promise<void>;
setListRequestValue: (requestValue: GetBizSurveyRequest) => void;
setListColWidths: (colWidths: number[]) => void;
setListCheckedRowIds: (checkedRowIds: string[]) => void;
callSaveBizSurvey: () => Promise<void>;
setBizSurveyListData: (index: number, value: BizSurvey) => void;
callBizSurveyReportDownLoad: () => Promise<void>;
callBizSurveyDuplicate: () => Promise<void>;
callBizSurveyDelete: () => Promise<void>;
callBizSurveyListDownLoad: () => Promise<void>;
// create states
const createState: States = {
bizTitle: {
bizCd: "",
bizNm: "",
bizSurveyListData: [],
listRequestValue: {},
listColWidths: [],
bizTitleSpinning: false,
bizSurveyListSpinning: false,
listCheckedRowIds: [],
// create actions
const createActions: StoreActions<States & Actions, Actions> = (set, get) => ({
async init(id): Promise<void> {
await get().callBizTitle({ id });
await get().callBizSurvey();
reset(): void {},
callBizTitle: async (apiParams) => {
set({ bizTitleSpinning: true });
const { rs } = await BizService.getBizTitleView(apiParams);
bizTitle: rs,
listRequestValue: {
bizCd: rs.bizCd,
set({ bizTitleSpinning: false });
callBizSurvey: async () => {
set({ bizSurveyListSpinning: true, listCheckedRowIds: [] });
try {
const apiPrams: GetBizSurveyRequest = { ...get().listRequestValue };
const { ds } = await BizService.getBizSurvey(apiPrams);
bizSurveyListData: => ({
values: {
rowId: + "@" + values.bizCd,
} catch (e) {
set({ bizSurveyListData: [] });
throw e;
} finally {
set({ bizSurveyListSpinning: false });
setListRequestValue: (requestValues) => {
set({ listRequestValue: requestValues });
setListColWidths: (colWidths) => set({ listColWidths: colWidths }),
setListCheckedRowIds: (checkedRowIds) => set({ listCheckedRowIds: checkedRowIds }),
callSaveBizSurvey: async () => {
set({ bizSurveyListSpinning: true, listCheckedRowIds: [] });
try {
const apiPrams: PutBizSurveyRequest[] =
(item) =>
item.status === ||
item.status === AXFDGDataItemStatus.edit ||
item.status === AXFDGDataItemStatus.remove
.map((values) => ({ ...values.values })) ?? [];
await BizService.putBizSurvey(apiPrams);
await get().callBizSurvey();
} catch (e) {
throw e;
} finally {
set({ bizSurveyListSpinning: false });
setBizSurveyListData: (index, value) => {
const list = [...get().bizSurveyListData];
list[index] = {
values: { ...value },
set({ bizSurveyListData: list });
callBizSurveyReportDownLoad: async () => {
const { bizCd, areaCd } = get().listRequestValue;
if (!bizCd || !areaCd) throw new CustomError("다운로드를 위해서는 권역정보가 필요합니다.\n권역을 선택해주세요.");
await fileDownload(`/v1/bizSurvey/download?bizCd=${bizCd}&areaCd=${areaCd}`, `${bizCd}`);
callBizSurveyDuplicate: async () => {
const listCheckedRowIds = get().listCheckedRowIds;
if (listCheckedRowIds.length === 0) {
throw new CustomError("복사할 목록을 선택해주세요.");
if (listCheckedRowIds.length > 1) {
throw new CustomError("복사는 한개의 아이템씩 해주세요.");
set({ bizSurveyListSpinning: true });
try {
const bizSurveyListDataMap: Record<string, BizSurvey> = get().bizSurveyListData.reduce((newObj, obj) => {
newObj[obj.values.rowId ?? ""] = obj.values;
return newObj;
}, {});
for (let i = 0; i < listCheckedRowIds.length; i++) {
const bizSurvey = bizSurveyListDataMap[listCheckedRowIds[i]];
if (bizSurvey) {
await BizService.postBizSurveyCopy(bizSurvey);
} catch (e) {
throw e;
} finally {
set({ bizSurveyListSpinning: false });
callBizSurveyDelete: async () => {
const listCheckedRowIds = get().listCheckedRowIds;
if (listCheckedRowIds.length === 0) {
throw new CustomError("삭제할 목록을 선택해주세요.");
set({ bizSurveyListSpinning: true });
try {
const apiParam = get()
.bizSurveyListData.filter((item) => listCheckedRowIds.includes(item.values.rowId ?? ""))
.map((item) => item.values);
await BizService.putBizSurveyRemove(apiParam);
} catch (e) {
throw e;
} finally {
set({ bizSurveyListSpinning: false });
callBizSurveyListDownLoad: async () => {
const { bizCd, areaCd = "", filter = "" } = get().listRequestValue;
await fileDownload(`/v1/bizSurvey/excel?bizCd=${bizCd}&areaCd=${areaCd}&filter=${filter}`, `${bizCd}_LIST.xlsx`);
// ---------------- exports
export interface surveyViewStore extends States, Actions {}
export const useSurveyViewStore = create(
subscribeWithSelector<surveyViewStore>((set, get) => ({
...createActions(set, get),
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