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Created January 24, 2018 14:43
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A simple Bot Discord usable to start developing his own
### Description
Basic Bot Discord in Javascript. Work with [discord.js]( as well as [Node](
A simple Bot Discord usable to start developing his own.
#### Foundation and adding the Bot Discord
Create a new Bot Discord on Discordapp :
* Go to the page : [](
* **Then MyApplications** > **New Application**.
* Complete the form . When done, click on "**Create Application**".
* Click on "**Create a user Bot**", and click on "**Yes, Do it!**"
* Now add your bot to your Discord Server. Reminder : Remplace "[ID_Bot]" with your bot client ID.
Exemple of URL for adding your bot on a server.
For permissions, I suggest you go on **[Permissions Calculator](**.
Now that your Bot is creating and that joined your server, follow the process to develop and execute it.
### Installation
Requires : NodeJS 10.0 ( If possible, take the latest version ) [Download the latest version of NodeJS](
Please set up a new folder for all your JS scripts and make the commands in the given one.
In Terminal (CTRL+R and `cmd` on Windows), enter in your folder of the bot and write this :
npm install disord.js --save
He will install discord.js library.
### Examples
Request discord.js library and define a prefix for all commands :
const Discord = require('discord.js');
let prefix ="/";
Example of message :
client.on("message", message => {
if (message.content.startsWith(prefix + "help")) {"```List of commands : \n\n /version | Version \n /help | All Commands```");
console.log("Command executed: /help")
Connection with your token :
_Your token is written here : [](
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