Here is an updated list of the colors that are currently implemented with a name.
To using colors on discord.js, this is a typedef Colors, Colors.Aqua
to get the Aqua color.
Name | Int value | Hex Code |
Default |
0 | #000000 |
Aqua |
1752220 | #1ABC9C |
DarkAqua |
1146986 | #11806A |
Green |
5763719 | #57F287 |
DarkGreen |
2067276 | #1F8B4C |
Blue |
3447003 | #3498DB |
DarkBlue |
2123412 | #206694 |
Purple |
10181046 | #9B59B6 |
DarkPurple |
7419530 | #71368A |
LuminousVividPink |
15277667 | #E91E63 |
DarkVividPink |
11342935 | #AD1457 |
Gold |
15844367 | #F1C40F |
DarkGold |
12745742 | #C27C0E |
Orange |
15105570 | #E67E22 |
DarkOrange |
11027200 | #A84300 |
Red |
15548997 | #ED4245 |
DarkRed |
10038562 | #992D22 |
Grey |
9807270 | #95A5A6 |
DarkGrey |
9936031 | #979C9F |
DarkerGrey |
8359053 | #7F8C8D |
LightGrey |
12370112 | #BCC0C0 |
Navy |
3426654 | #34495E |
DarkNavy |
2899536 | #2C3E50 |
Yellow |
16776960 | #FFFF00 |
Name | Int value | Hex Code |
White (Default) |
16777215 | #FFFFFF |
Greyple |
10070709 | #99AAb5 |
Black |
2303786 | #23272A |
DarkButNotBlack |
2895667 | #2C2F33 |
NotQuiteBlack |
2303786 | #23272A |
Blurple |
5793266 | #5865F2 |
Green |
5763719 | #57F287 |
Yellow |
16705372 | #FEE75C |
Fuchsia |
15418782 | #EB459E |
Red |
15548997 | #ED4245 |
Name | Int value | Hex Code |
Unnamed role color 1 | 6323595 | #607D8B |
Unnamed role color 2 | 5533306 | #546E7A |
Background black color | 3553599 | #36393F |
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