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Last active May 17, 2016 21:39
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A collection of CQ5 related JCR queries in the XPath query language. Some of these queries might be project specific but are a nice blueprint for similar requriements.
Nodes with a certain attribute
News without PubDate
//*[@cq:template="/apps/sampleproject/templates/newspage" and not(@pubdate)]
Pages without UUID
Find Pages with component
Find all news personalization nodes that are personalized for property personalization=USERS%
/jcr:root/content/news//element(*)[@sling:resourceType='sampleproject/components/par/newspersonalizationbar' and jcr:like(@personalization, 'USERS%')]
All nodes personalization nodes with personalization containing today (slow)
//element(*, cq:Page)//element(*,nt:unstructured)[jcr:contains(@personalization,'*today*')]";
All newspersonalization nodes with personalization property containing today (fast)
//element(*,nt:unstructured)[jcr:contains(.,'newspersonalization') AND jcr:contains(@personalization,'today')]
Get all news articles with city property equals moscow and date newer then 2007 (slow) .. better user a generic timestamp here
//element(*)[@sling:resourceType='sampleproject/components/pages/newsarticle' and news/@city='Moscow'][news/@dateAndTime >= xs:dateTime('2007-01-01T00:00:00.000Z')]
All users without a password property
//element(*)[jcr:primaryType='rep:User' and not(@rep:password)]
Users without country
/jcr:root/home/users//element(*)[@sling:resourceType='cq/security/components/profile' and not(@country)]
Users with empty country
/jcr:root/home/users//element(*)[@sling:resourceType='cq/security/components/profile' and @country='']
Find all ACE entries
// All allow acls nodes for group (principal) administrators
// All deny acls nodes for group (principal) administrators
Running workflows matching a path
All workflows having a certain cq:tags property in the metadata and of a specific model
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