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Created May 10, 2017 01:10
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Generate "warnings as errors" ruleset from error code definitions in Roslyn source code
void Main()
string errorCodesFileUrl = "";
string errorCodesFileContent = new WebClient().DownloadString(errorCodesFileUrl);
var syntaxTree = CSharpSyntaxTree.ParseText(errorCodesFileContent);
var root = syntaxTree.GetRoot();
var enumDeclaration =
.First(e => e.Identifier.ValueText == "ErrorCode");
var errorCodes =
.Select(m => new ErrorCode(m))
var doc =
new XDocument(
new XElement("RuleSet",
new XAttribute("Name", "C# Warnings as Errors"),
new XAttribute("ToolsVersion", "15.0"),
new XElement("Rules",
new XAttribute("AnalyzerId", "Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp"),
new XAttribute("RuleNamespace", "Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp"),
from e in errorCodes
where e.Level == "WRN"
select new XElement("Rule",
new XAttribute("Id", e.Code),
new XAttribute("Action", "Error")))));
class ErrorCode
public ErrorCode(EnumMemberDeclarationSyntax member)
string name = member.Identifier.ValueText;
if (name == "Void" || name == "Unknown")
Name = name;
Value = 0;
Level = "UNK";
Name = name.Substring(4);
Value = int.Parse(member.EqualsValue?.Value?.GetText()?.ToString() ?? "0");
Level = name.Substring(0, 3);
public string Name { get; }
public int Value { get; }
public string Level { get; }
public string Code => $"CS{Value:D4}";
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