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Created June 4, 2014 20:49
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NodObjC Block Experiments
var $ = require('NodObjC');
var types = require('./node_modules/NodObjC/lib/types')
, SEL = require('./node_modules/NodObjC/lib/sel')
, id = require('./node_modules/NodObjC/lib/id')
, Class = require('./node_modules/NodObjC/lib/class')
, IMP = require('./node_modules/NodObjC/lib/imp')
, block = require('./node_modules/NodObjC/lib/block')
var app = $.NSApplication('sharedApplication');
var style = $.NS
// [NSEvent addGlobalMonitorForEventsMatchingMask:NSLeftMouseDownMask
// handler:^(NSEvent *event){
// [r respondToClick:event];
// }];
var pool = $.NSAutoreleasePool('alloc')('init');
block.createBlock(function(self, __cmd, event){
}, "v@:@")
// set up the app delegate
// var AppDelegate = $.NSObject.extend('AppDelegate')
// AppDelegate.addMethod('applicationDidFinishLaunching:', 'v@:@', function (self, _cmd, notif) {
// console.log('got applicationDidFinishLauching')
// console.log(notif)
// })
// AppDelegate.register()
// var delegate = AppDelegate('alloc')('init')
// app('setDelegate', delegate)
// app('activateIgnoringOtherApps', true)
// app('run')
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